Well, I did a little shopping around both online and in stores. Here is what I discovered, 1st is that the new ION X at over $600 has icing issues…that’s two strikes against. The Strikemaster is not far behind in price and is a great performer, hmmm. The old style IONs are getting scarce, but they are a proven performer and the cost is the lowest at various retailers, if they still have them. I drove to my love hate store Gander Mountain, there were a plethora of IONs, old style, new Xs, 6″ and 8″. The cheapest 8′ was $529…but the 6″ rang up at $359, DING DING DING, we have a winner! For now I’m keeping the 8″ K-Drill on the Strikemaster Solo powerhead, and will run the ION with it’s 6″. Running the ION esspecially with the 6″ should be very kind to my recent carpal tunnel right hand surgery. In my Chevy I have an invertor built right into the dash, I think it’s 400 watts, I wonder if it will run the battery charger?