Ford said last week its electric vehicle operations are on track to lose $4.5 billion this year, a 50% wider loss than previously projected.
Boy I hope none of the UAW workers get a pay cut or even worse get axed to make up for some of the losses… maybe the “Big Guy” that took a spin in the Ford Lighting will subsidize Ford some more to make up the difference using tax $ out of the general fund.
I totally agree with this. If you want the high points you need to take the low points too. Oh my boss bought a cabin I should get a raise. Oops I guess my employer might loose his house well I least I get to keep mine. You should be paid on your performance if you think your worth more try something else. If they do not have enough employees they will pay more. That’s how it works in the private sector for ever and it works well for good employees. The unions definitely were needed to insure workers safety in the past but have slowly became the new CEO. If you want to complain about there wages maybe you should take a look at some of the high union rep wages.