Went to the Luke Bryan concert last night. Was very pleased with the concert itself! Those guys put on a hell of a show. I was extremely impressed by the facility itself. The new stadium is beautiful. However I was not too satisfied by the staff running it. It seemed very unorganized, and under staffed. They for sure didn’t have enough custodians running around as it seemed very messy, even in club level. The floors were dirty not long after opening the doors and there were mounds of garbage and empty beer cans on the condiment bar, tables, and floor. All in all it was kinda gross. I know it was the first show there, I am sure they had their hands full. I hope the get their stuff together before tonight’s Metalica concert. Those guys will tear that place down! I also was disappointed to see the American flag hidden behind a huge beam. I feal it needs to be moved. I did get to take a quick picture of Corriadale Patterson. He was not to happy of me snapping the picture. I thought his entourage was going to kick my @ss. Me and the misses had an amazing night,I have the headache to prove it. LOL.

Posts: 1671
August 20, 2016 at 9:24 am