Twins 2020

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    It also sounds like the proposal also says more “regional” games rather than a standard schedule, regardless of division or conference. Which means more games against the divisional opponents and perhaps more of the cubs, cardinals, brewers, etc. The proposal also adds DH in the National League as they cite over use of pitchers during a shortened season.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I hope the NL DH thing sticks. I’ve always actually kind of liked the novelty of it but from a competitive standpoint it’s just never made sense for one league to operate with a different set of criteria than the others. Plus statistics-wise (which leads to contracts and money) it greatly affects NL pitchers, who may be removed from the game sooner based less on their game performance and more on their spot in the order coming up.

    Anyway, would be good to see something this year.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    July baby! It’s back!


    Officially? I hope so, never looked forward to getting my heart broken by the yankees more

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Officially? I hope so, never looked forward to getting my heart broken by the yankees more

    No. The players association still has to agree to the terms, something that almost no one is expecting them to do.


    They did not approve the terms. In fact the players association might come out of this looking incredibly bad. Here’s a quote from the head of the Ass, Former Tiger Tony Clark:

    “The league is trying to take advantage of a global health crisis to get what they’ve failed to achieve in the past.” Seemingly referring to lowering salaries.

    If they stated the health safety measures planned weren’t enough, I’d have been fine with it. But that’s not what the players’ association is worried about. It’s all about the Benjamins. Baseball has the opportunity to get out ahead of the other sports and be the only sport that millions of people, who are BEGGING for sports of any kind, will be able to watch. And the players say THEY are being taken advantage of….. doah

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    Best #1 thing the players union could do would be drive over to Donald Fehrs house with two steamer trunks full of cash. He whipped the owners everytime they got out of line. Tony Clark isn’t that guy.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Best #1 thing the players union could do would be drive over to Donald Fehrs house with two steamer trunks full of cash. He whipped the owners everytime they got out of line. Tony Clark isn’t that guy.

    This just shows that we won’t be seeing baseball at the beginning of July. If the players are still concerned about giving up some money they are nowhere near agreeing to any kind of terms.

    This is going to get ugly.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    I’m afraid the game would look more like slow pitch softball anyway. I’m almost ready to scrap the season.

    Posts: 12902

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don’t worryaboutit wrote:</div>
    Officially? I hope so, never looked forward to getting my heart broken by the yankees more

    No. The players association still has to agree to the terms, something that almost no one is expecting them to do.


    They did not approve the terms. In fact the players association might come out of this looking incredibly bad. Here’s a quote from the head of the Ass, Former Tiger Tony Clark:

    “The league is trying to take advantage of a global health crisis to get what they’ve failed to achieve in the past.” Seemingly referring to lowering salaries.

    If they stated the health safety measures planned weren’t enough, I’d have been fine with it. But that’s not what the players’ association is worried about. It’s all about the Benjamins. Baseball has the opportunity to get out ahead of the other sports and be the only sport that millions of people, who are BEGGING for sports of any kind, will be able to watch. And the players say THEY are being taken advantage of….. doah

    Frankly don’t blame them.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mahtofire14 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don’t worryaboutit wrote:</div>
    Officially? I hope so, never looked forward to getting my heart broken by the yankees more

    No. The players association still has to agree to the terms, something that almost no one is expecting them to do.


    They did not approve the terms. In fact the players association might come out of this looking incredibly bad. Here’s a quote from the head of the Ass, Former Tiger Tony Clark:

    “The league is trying to take advantage of a global health crisis to get what they’ve failed to achieve in the past.” Seemingly referring to lowering salaries.

    If they stated the health safety measures planned weren’t enough, I’d have been fine with it. But that’s not what the players’ association is worried about. It’s all about the Benjamins. Baseball has the opportunity to get out ahead of the other sports and be the only sport that millions of people, who are BEGGING for sports of any kind, will be able to watch. And the players say THEY are being taken advantage of….. doah

    Frankly don’t blame them.

    Seriously? They’ve been overpaid for years. The only league without a salary cap. You’d think to save their season they could give a little bit for ONE FREAKING YEAR so at least we could watch some live baseball. Sad, really…

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    Anybody who negotiates will tell you once you concede anything you don’t get that back. Bargain for what you have, fight to keep it. While the owners will claim they are losing billions the players will say show us your books. That has been the one thing the union has never gotten. Inside the owners books. During the negotiations on contracts the union is bargaining with only what is known for income. The owners still control the unknown.

    These negotiations are not about this season, they are about what the negotiations for the next CBA will look like.

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    In fact the players association might come out of this looking incredibly bad.

    “Major League Baseball: The sport that shut down during a global pandemic because it couldn’t figure out how to split up billions of dollars.”

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they already negotiate a new CBA this past offseason which included the logistics/payroll for a partial season? So now the owners are rescinding that agreement and trying to get a new one? Ya, if I was the players I wouldn’t cave either since both parties already had an agreement ahead of time.

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they already negotiate a new CBA this past offseason which included the logistics/payroll for a partial season?

    From what I understand, based on the March agreement if there were a partial season the players normal contracts would be prorated to the number of games played. Assuming 82 games of the typical 162 are played, a player would get 50.6% of their contract. The issue now is that the owners claim that if theres no fans, they will lose out on 35-40ish% of their revenue, which wouldnt allow them to pay the prorated contract. The players dont buy it because of the massive TV contracts these teams receive. Another issue, is that not all teams sign the same deal, so teams like NYY, LAD, and BOS have massive TV deals while MIA, TB, COL, and KC have much, much smaller deals. These teams could end up losing money on the season without their fans. This is part of the reason why the owners offered 50/50 revenue split with the players.

    Sounds like a costy headache.

    Northern Todd County
    Posts: 611

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gimruis wrote:</div>
    Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they already negotiate a new CBA this past offseason which included the logistics/payroll for a partial season?

    From what I understand, based on the March agreement if there were a partial season the players normal contracts would be prorated to the number of games played. Assuming 82 games of the typical 162 are played, a player would get 50.6% of their contract. The issue now is that the owners claim that if theres no fans, they will lose out on 35-40ish% of their revenue, which wouldnt allow them to pay the prorated contract. The players dont buy it because of the massive TV contracts these teams receive. Another issue, is that not all teams sign the same deal, so teams like NYY, LAD, and BOS have massive TV deals while MIA, TB, COL, and KC have much, much smaller deals. These teams could end up losing money on the season without their fans. This is part of the reason why the owners offered 50/50 revenue split with the players.

    Sounds like a costy headache.

    I think you read the same ESPN article that I did that tried to explain the money splits.

    Posts: 12902

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ripjiggen wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mahtofire14 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don’t worryaboutit wrote:</div>
    Officially? I hope so, never looked forward to getting my heart broken by the yankees more

    No. The players association still has to agree to the terms, something that almost no one is expecting them to do.


    They did not approve the terms. In fact the players association might come out of this looking incredibly bad. Here’s a quote from the head of the Ass, Former Tiger Tony Clark:

    “The league is trying to take advantage of a global health crisis to get what they’ve failed to achieve in the past.” Seemingly referring to lowering salaries.

    If they stated the health safety measures planned weren’t enough, I’d have been fine with it. But that’s not what the players’ association is worried about. It’s all about the Benjamins. Baseball has the opportunity to get out ahead of the other sports and be the only sport that millions of people, who are BEGGING for sports of any kind, will be able to watch. And the players say THEY are being taken advantage of….. doah

    Frankly don’t blame them.

    Seriously? They’ve been overpaid for years. The only league without a salary cap. You’d think to save their season they could give a little bit for ONE FREAKING YEAR so at least we could watch some live baseball. Sad, really…

    Seriously. They already had an agreement and they play under contracts. I would hope my Union leader would fight to protect my contract and not just roll over on the the first deal that was now presented by the owners.
    What’s that boss you want me to work 40 hours and only pay me for 10. But my contract which was signed by you and me says I get payed what the contract says.
    Boss man says well I am not making as much money as last year so I need some of that money back.
    Oh well heck Boss man where do I sign up to potentially work in a unhealthy work environment for less money than my contract says.

    Not saying it’s right or wrong just saying frankly I don’t blame them.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mahtofire14 wrote:</div>
    In fact the players association might come out of this looking incredibly bad.

    “Major League Baseball: The sport that shut down during a global pandemic because it couldn’t figure out how to split up billions of dollars.”

    You all read that article too eh? jester I see legit arguments for both sides after reading it. Broke it down very well.

    Disappoints me because I love baseball so much and this is their opportunity to get the sport back near the top of the sports world. They could have millions of fans that would normally be watching other sports watching baseball because it’s the only sport on! They have the possibility of gaining so much back and yet here we are about to go through 1994 all over again.

    Posts: 12902

    I agree Mahto. I do not think the players want any part of splitting revenues as that is virtually a salary cap. I do not see the players agreeing to any part of revenue splitting.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I agree Mahto. I do not think the players want any part of splitting revenues as that is virtually a salary cap. I do not see the players agreeing to any part of revenue splitting.

    Wonder what a replacement (players) league would look like….. doah


    It would be awful, xfl in baseball form. It is always hard to side with millionaires but saying they should fold is really just siding with billionaires. Keep in mind the average player gets there for a short time and makes relatively little money (a lot for any of us, of course). If I was in their position I wouldn’t let them put in a salary cap if I had a choice

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    You all read that article too eh?

    Great article! Broke it all down to laymans terms for someone that is pretty inept when it comes to that sort of thing.

    Trevor Bauer had a pretty powerful stance, called the proposal “laughable”, he continued:
    Same song and dance from mlb. Leak a story. Negotiate through the media. Make players out to be the bad guys. Players already agreed to a pay cut. We negotiated. WE HAVE AN AGREEMENT. Now they want to go back on it so they can make more money? GTFO.

    Again, see both sides as a lot has changed since their initial agreement. Have to wonder if they discussed the possibility of no fans throughout the season during the meetings. If they did and it was a known part of the agreement, then its time for owners to open up their pocket books.

    I’ll have to give my pal, Mr. Pohlad, a ring and try to talk him into putting more money into the team despite no guarantee that he’ll profit this season w/o ticket and beer sales. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled!!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    ESPN reported today that there wasn’t any talk about salaries and contracts or payments of any kind in the meetings. Strictly logistics and health issues.

    Seems odd with all the bitterness coming from the PA if it “wasn’t discussed”.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Ok. It’s on. Players agreed to the safety policies and reporting July 1st. This is going to be one wild, weird season! But hey, at least we should have Rich Hill in the rotation from the beginning! applause

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    The “the season is way too long” crowd should be rejoicing. Each game will be almost 3 times more important that has ever been before. League unwilling to push back the start of playoffs means 60 games in what? 65-ish days? Going to be an interesting ride. Can’t wait for it all to begin.

    Go Twins!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    Be ready for some crap team to win a division. Also the NL will use the DH. frown

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    The “the season is way too long” crowd should be rejoicing. Each game will be almost 3 times more important that has ever been before.

    I think that part makes it awesome. I’ve always thought one of the many reasons football has become more popular than baseball is because there are more than 10 times as many baseball games than NFL games, so when you’re watching your Sunday football it’s somewhat or a rarity. I enjoy watching and watch parts of well over 100 Twins games a year, but nothing really seems urgent until after the AS break. Looking forward to seeing this.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9052

    This shorter format is so much more interesting. I hope the MLB takes these lemons and makes lemonade so to speak. Ratings are awful, in-seat actual attendance is terrible for a lot of franchises with the excessively long schedule that the MLB will not let go of.

    Baseball starts in Spring…then wraps up in Fall while getting exponentially dominated in ratings by college football and the NFL. The world series would be a much bigger draw if it didn’t take place during the meat of both football seasons. An 80-100 game regular season would be so much easier to stay invested in.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    This shorter format is so much more interesting. I hope the MLB takes these lemons and makes lemonade so to speak. Ratings are awful, in-seat actual attendance is terrible for a lot of franchises with the excessively long schedule that the MLB will not let go of.

    Baseball starts in Spring…then wraps up in Fall while getting exponentially dominated in ratings by college football and the NFL. The world series would be a much bigger draw if it didn’t take place during the meat of both football seasons. An 80-100 game regular season would be so much easier to stay invested in.

    Maybe you need a longer attention span. wink lol

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    An 80-100 game regular season would be so much easier to stay invested in

    I swear you could shave 20-plus games off the schedule and even some serious fans wouldn’t even notice.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Be ready for some crap team to win a division. Also the NL will use the DH. frown

    The 60 game season definitely makes the White Sox a scarier team.

    I think I’d be ok with a 130-140 game season. As much as I love the game it’s probably true I wouldn’t notice 20 games taken off the schedule. Having a game to watch just about every night is something I really enjoy though. Even if I’m not watching the whole thing. Even though I usually am.

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