Twins 2019

    Posts: 4043

    I would argue (there’s that work again) that conversations on here see an uptick when people are at work.

    Now that you say that as bad as it sounds I usually only look at this stuff at work.

    Posts: 523

    From slots, to daily limits, to the twins everyone in Minnesota appears to need a liberal application of this

    1. 83B3EB74-DE10-4329-BE8B-85BE829E2390.png

    Posts: 6106

    Soooooo…on a lighter note…how ’bout that Audra Martin from FSN?


    1. Screenshot_20190906-185446.png

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Oops, for the few of you that are actually interested, sorry the screen shots are a little small.

    Click “Velocity and Movement” for monthly averages of velocity of each pitch over his career

    Click “Usage and Outcomes” for pitch selection percentages of each pitch over his career.

    Tbro I say this with the utmost respect but Jack Morris will know more about baseball than you could ever hope to with your analytics. And I’m not trying to be an ass honestly. To say the guy hasn’t watched a game in 25 years is ridiculous as he is an analyst with BOTH the Twins and Tigers. Most things he says about the game are completely true especially when he is talking about how batters don’t know how to hit anymore and if pitchers pitched the they did ten years ago they would be able to destroy batters today. The game is changing whether it’s good for the game or not, we will see. But it’s every ones right to like or dislike the direction it’s going.

    I’ve watched every start of Berrios this year and I don’t know what some guy from Boston is doing putting together stats from Berrios starts but I’m not buying it. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know what a quarter of the analytics out there these days mean, but I know what different pitches look like and how to read a number that gets displayed on the TV.

    After all that long winded blabbing, I still respect your views on the game, just disagree with a lot of it. The thought of the two of us fishing together keeps popping into my head and thinking what a day on the lake that would be!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Also, is Garver hurt? I’m getting sick of watching balls that should be blocked get by Castro. Pitch framing maybe, but he sure has awful technique when it comes to blocking balls in the dirt.

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    You’re certainly not wrong. Jack Morris has probably forgotten more about pitching and baseball than I’ll ever know. He, and other Twins broadcasters, just blatantly ignore what analytics and numbers tell them. I get that they came from a different era but its so obvious how much they dislike todays game. Just wish they’d try to adapt with it vs sit on air and do nothing but complain about it.

    Hell, most people on this site seem to be about my dads age and I know in his mind Jack Morris could do no wrong after his Gm 7 performance in ’91. I wasnt even born yet, so I frankly could care less, but I do understand that side of it too.

    And I should apologize, I come off as an absolute ass around here on a fairly regular basis. I’m sorry. And I agree! lol, I have thought about offering to meet up at a bar to catch a Twins game one of these days- just didnt want to come off as a weird dude jester

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10745

    Insert “I love you man” emoji here. rotflol
    Can I fish in the boat with you guys when you go?
    All bs aside, you both know your baseball. waytogo

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3956

    May’s recovery after a rough patch a few months ago has been real fun to see and very timely to help this club out.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    You’re certainly not wrong. Jack Morris has probably forgotten more about pitching and baseball than I’ll ever know. He, and other Twins broadcasters, just blatantly ignore what analytics and numbers tell them. I get that they came from a different era but its so obvious how much they dislike todays game. Just wish they’d try to adapt with it vs sit on air and do nothing but complain about it.

    Hell, most people on this site seem to be about my dads age and I know in his mind Jack Morris could do no wrong after his Gm 7 performance in ’91. I wasnt even born yet, so I frankly could care less, but I do understand that side of it too.

    And I should apologize, I come off as an absolute ass around here on a fairly regular basis. I’m sorry. And I agree! lol, I have thought about offering to meet up at a bar to catch a Twins game one of these days- just didnt want to come off as a weird dude jester

    In regards to Morris I am 33 and didn’t grow up in MN so I have no emotional ties to him like a lot of people here. He just knows the game no matter what era. The reason people get mad about analytics is because the guys behind them tend to forget that there’s an actual physical game that still needs to be played. I also don’t care for the analytics and think it’s one of the reasons the game has slowed down so much. There are a lot more people than just Jack that don’t like analytics. I played the game for 25 years of my life and will still love it even in this analytics era. Just complain a little more…..

    All are welcome if we ever do meet up. rotflol

    And Dan, its been awesome to see the younger guys start really stepping up and contributing to this bullpen. Hope they keep it going!

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Tough break in the 8th tonight. Would have been a pop up without the shift. Bullpen has looked terrific though. Very encouraging for the playoffs. Pineda should start game 1

    Posts: 6106

    Cruz??? Cave??? Yikes???

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    I was hoping they’d test Graderol out in some big spots. Hopefully he blows the guy away here.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Shifting… have a guy throwing 100 mph and you have your second basemen playing behind 2nd base…..I don’t get it. The guy probably isn’t going to pull the ball.

    Posts: 6106

    That didn’t turn out well

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10745

    I can’t get the games at the cabin, one of the bars has dish, I dragged the FW up to another place got there in the bottom of the 7th.
    I shoulda went fishing instead. bawling

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Shifting… have a guy throwing 100 mph and you have your second basemen playing behind 2nd base…..I don’t get it. The guy probably isn’t going to pull the ball.

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    And we’re done. Pineda just got popped for PEDs…….. bawling

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 212

    So much for “Pine Tar Pineda.” Now it’s “PED Pineda.”

    Guess Mr. Uber Randy Dobnak will lead this team into the postseason.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Awesome. I’m sure Cleveland is more excited about this than their win yesterday.

    So the drug was hydrochlorothiazide which is a diuretic commonly prescribed for high blood pressure and other heart problems. What benefit is this as a PED?

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Awesome. I’m sure Cleveland is more excited about this than their win yesterday.

    So the drug was hydrochlorothiazide which is a diuretic commonly prescribed for high blood pressure and other heart problems. What benefit is this as a PED?

    It’s also a huge diuretic. It’s a common drug used to make you pee a lot which in turn flushed out your system and any drugs you may be taking along with it.

    Couldn’t have happened to a more important player on this system.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3956

    Some form/variation of diuretics seems to be the theme nowadays.

    This $%&* really frustrates me. Pretty damn selfish as the cost of this could be very high. As some of you have mentioned, he’s one of the best things this team has going right. Might be the potential most-trusted game 1 playoff starter we have. Now all the fun the team and fanbase have had this year could be altered because of this. And it’s no big deal, because you can still come back from suspension and be adored by your fanbase and receive a new big contract (Polanco) or be put right back in your starting spot and win Super Bowl MVP (Julian Edelman).

    Rant over…for now.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5223

    And we’re done. Pineda just got popped for PEDs…….. bawling

    May as well throw the towel in then. It’s not like this team lost their ace. We have a staff of #3 starters so next man up!
    It’s a good thing they held onto Royce Lewis and Byron Bumston when Noah was supposedly available!

    Posts: 6106

    What the f

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    One thing that has bothered me this season is their inability to edge out good teams in close games. They always seem to make some big defensive errors in big spots that cost them the game. This kind of crap doesn’t bode well in the playoffs.

    Posts: 4043

    I don’t get it I know probably 20 people that take that for bp including myself don’t make me athletic

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 212

    Puig… total loser.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3956

    I don’t get it I know probably 20 people that take that for bp including myself don’t make me athletic

    It’s also a huge diuretic. It’s a common drug used to make you pee a lot which in turn flushed out your system and any drugs you may be taking along with it.

    The drug itself does nothing for your athletic performance. Through years and years and years of PED usage sports have come to notice that people will take certain diuretics or masking agents to cover up or flush out the performance enhancements they DID take. So when a normal dude tests positive for something like that they get punished for it.

    Nowadays you still see people use the whole “I had no idea” excuse but from what I’ve read the list of things you shouldn’t be taking is available for everyone. It’s each person’s responsibility to be cognizant of what they’re taking in.

    I’m no expert but my guess would be that this ties into Pineda’s injury that caused him to miss last season. It’s common for athletes recovering from injuries to take some form of PED to speed up the recovery and come back stronger.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    “I mistakenly took a medication that was given to me by a close acquaintance, who obtained it over the counter and assured me it would safely help me manage my weight,” Pineda’s statement read. “I ingested a few of these pills without the consent of the Twins’ training staff.”

    This pisses me off more than anything because he was taking a drug to try and mask the PED. So obviously he was well aware of what he was taking. Liar.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16917

    It’s called “just cause”. Contracts can be voided for just cause hence nobody admits anything.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6049

    Twins are most likely screwed and this goes directly back to my ranting why they didn’t get any starting pitching help. Especially with Berrios struggling we really don’t have anyone to lead us in the postseason. Crying shame, really.

    Having said that, I’d still like to see them fight. Garver just went yard, took the lead, very important game against the Tribe!

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