WI Turkey season

  • one4daroad
    Posts: 25

    Sorry getting caught up at work do not have a ton of time to post too much.
    Was lucky enough this last WI turkey season to take a couple birds. We took 4 birds and was some of the toughest hunting I have had ever yet. The birds were not helping and the numbers were really down. Was not too much to chase around or setup on. They were really hurting after this winter. We did have yote almost take a bite of my buddies face. I couldn’t stop laughing. He was laying behind me and I think the yote thought he was a wounded animal or something came in stalking them pounced and missed him by inches. Was very maingy also.

    We ended up with two Tom’s and two Jakes was very good times and didn’t even bother the hunt was tough we just got to stay the whole time we planned. Every year we have gone we have never hunted past Thursday night so we got some nice time away from home and got to out in this awesome spring time. Saw a lot of nice bucks already with some great head gear. Meet some really nice landowners.
    Both Tom’s weighed 21lbs. My bird had 10.5 inch beard 1inch spurs.Shot him the very last morning.

    Some birds would just run at the sight of the truck coming down the road even when I yelped on two different setups they ran the other way. I must need to work on that.

    Anyways it was another great spring 6 birds and maybe I can sneak away this week to WI and get one more tag.

    Moon setting in our first setup. We had the decoys out cause we saw some birds act aggressive.The birds came out and skirted us and went into a swamp by us about 90 yds. We snuck out pulled the decoys and we ended up calling them back an hour later and getting a couple birds.

    Picture of my bird Sunday I forgot my Avian feeder at camp and was not going to use a decoy but decided because we had one gobbler in this corner almost every day. Lucky my buddy had his decoy in the truck.

    Birds just out of camp

    Birds through the bino’s

    Great spring.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    One heck of a spring you had. Congrats!!!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    What Kooty said….you’ve been into them like crazy. I hear you on the tougher spring. Not sure what that’s a function of, but it seems like you still capitalized on your chances about wherever you went. Congrats on the great season!


    Posts: 25

    It was a tough season all around but we made the best of it. I cannot wait till next season and working on new places trying to get a couple more farms.

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