Fly-Up/Roost Times

  • Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    For those looking to do a little listening and scouting, I just got back. I had quite a few birds being vocal and talking their way up to the roost (mostly hens) around 7:30-7:35. Most birds flew up around the 7:40 mark or so, and there was quite a bit of silence until the toms got situated on the limb and started gobbling. I left them and they were gobbling still. This is on an east facing ridge where they get the brunt of the morning sun. Have to get up extra early to get on those birds!

    Was at least two toms, a handful of jakes, and more hens than I like hearing.


    Posts: 132

    A few nights ago I had birds heading up to the roost around 730 to 745. I have just started seeing birds out into the fields as of late.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Those same birds cracked off their first gobble at 5:55AM – it was pretty dark still! Crazier yet, they gobbled on roost less than 10 minutes and all of them were out of the trees by 6:10…..before legal shooting light in MN if there were seasons going on right now.

    Studies have shown that the peak of the breeding activity takes place just before our first season here in MN, and they definitely had a plan in-mind this morning!


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    was at the farm this weekend. Saturday morning there were a few scattered gobbles and they seemed early, still dark. Sunday they were going crazy from real early 6am to well after 7:30am.

    Posts: 2998

    At my new place we have a field behind the house I seen birds out there every day last summer and all the way to the end of first season shotgun. I had them figured out where they where roosting figured would be nice to know come spring…. Not a bird now but also no signs of any dead around I’m hoping they come back around in the next couple weeks.

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