I anticipated that this spring was going to be action packed and short. But this ended up being one of the toughest, and disappointing seasons I only saw 3 toms all spring, and the birds never roosted in their usual spot. I passed on a group of 8 jakes on Tuesday morning in hopes of getting a chance at a tom in the next several days.
My brother came to visit for Memorial Day weekend and we hunted together on Saturday morning. We didn’t hear any gobbles that morning, but had this group come in about 6:50 am. I moved the blind to the corner of the field where these birds ended up going. When they came out of the woods, they were within 25 yards of the blind. I ended up shooting this jake at 15 yards quartering away
His beard is 5 3/4″ and weighs about 16-17 lbs.
Every time my brother and I have hunted together this spring we have killed a bird
2 of the 8 jakes’ beards had almost all beard rot making the beard look almost all yellow/gold. The jake’s beard that i shot had some beard rot too but not as bad
May 27, 2013 at 1:45 am