I had a very short season this year. Got drawn for season D in MN, then found out about a month ago that we were going to Montana to visit my son that weekend. This left me Thursday morning and Monday to hunt. I was determined to take another one with the bow this year and having a brand new bow it seemed only fitting. I headed to the cabin Wednesday night. Got up at 4am Thursday with just the bow in hand. Had several birds gobbling in the morning and was able to sneak in pretty close and set up. I had 2 ground blinds set up, but neither was in this location. The birds hit the ground and I called in the whole flock pretty quickly. Waiting for the boss Tom to offer a shot and got busted by a subordinate tom. Decided to take him, but he had other ideas when he saw me draw and took off just as I released the arrow and it sailed just over his back. Headed to the other side of the woods and had 2 toms come right in on me before I could get set up. They also busted me in mid draw due to lack of cover . I had to head to Montana and got back Sunday night to the cabin. Monday morning I had 2 toms coming running across the field toward my decoy and calling. I had the gun at this point, time was getting short. They hung up at 80 yards and would not move one inch closer. As I was trying to make them come closer a jake snuck up behind me. It was going to be the only chance so I lowered the boom stick on him and filled my tag. Not my biggest accomplishment, but fun quick hunt and I have fresh turkey breasts in the marinade right now.
May 7, 2013 at 5:52 pm