• Anonymous
    Posts: 0

    I am hunting turkey this year for the first time spring. Wondering what broadheads would be best. I shoot a PSE DNA and have injexion arrows, any recommendations?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    The biggest question that needs to be asked, “Are you shooting through mesh”? If not, then you can shoot ANY broadhead. If not however, you are limited basically to one mechanical or any fixed blade. I decided to shoot through the mesh this year, and I will be going with the Rocket Miniblaster. 75 gr 1 3/4″ cut. You should double band the blades instead of using just one to prevent an accidental pre-opening.
    I have shot a lot of BHs for turkeys: Snypers, Meatseekers, Whitetail Specials, Stricknines, Miniblasters. My favorite head for turkeys is the Meatseekers, but you can’t shoot them through mesh. Make sure to get a head that has a big cutting diameter because the heart and lungs on a turkey are about the size of a closed fist
    Good luck! Let us know what you decide

    Posts: 0

    Thanks for the answer protourbaits, with the injexion arrows I am limited to the deep 6 inserts. Which has limited broadheads, I won’t be shooting threw mesh. But with the deep six I’m limited to either NAP killzone (expandable) or thunderhead fixed blade, there’s a few more to chose from but these are the two they have at the new Rhinos store.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    For me, I won’t shoot a turkey past 20 yards with my bow. The kill zone is so small and it can be extremely challenging to find a clear aiming point out past that in my humble opinion. That said, either of those heads should provide all the take down you need.

    Good luck!!

    Posts: 0

    Okay thanks a lot guys! Its my first time with my bow! So hopefully ill get one and ill upload a picture!

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