Good weekend in the woods

  • Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I spent the last two days hunting hard. Although we did not shoot a bird we had 3 encounters that were about as close as you could get without firing a shot. One was at 15’ (behind us) and two within 30 yards but no clear shot. We just couldn’t seal the deal. There was no shortage of fun though. We watched a hawk catch a sparrow just about directly above us. He took it to the ground and finished it about 10 yards away. (picture 1) We found a baby porcupine that was dead but was still warm. There were zero tracks in the snow so I’m not sure if fell out of a tree and died or died and fell out of the tree??? They are actually pretty cute without quills. This one had just a few on its back. (picture 2). Both experiences were good times to explain about mother nature and lessons in life. I got to spend lots of time with one of my best friends, his son (picture 3), as well as my son. For a 5 and 11 year old, they are diehard turkey hunters. I did everything in my power to get them out of the woods in the driving snow but they would have none of it! They kept telling me, “Go sit in the truck!” Yes my 5 year old had to bring his gun and shooting stick too. He was a little upset that his had orange on the end of the barrel. (pictures 4&5)
    Two more days at work, then 5 more in the woods!
    Good luck boys!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Saturday we ran across a few odd critters. At noon we drove up on a skunk out for a mid-day walk. A few hours later a sick coon walked right by the blind. Gotta love being outdoors!! I think those boys are lucky to have mentors like you guys!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    We had a Fox Squirrel walk about 3 feet from the blind on Saturday. I thought he was going to jump on the edge of the window of the blind out of curiosity

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Sounds like a great time!

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