My weekend of Turkey hunting was far from my best ever. I could not get out of work earlier in the week so I had to consentrate my efforts to just Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was just a beautiful day. No clouds, rain, snow or wind. The toms were gobbling up on roost, but did not make a peep once they flew down. Nothing came my way in the morning so I moved to an area that I could see the whole east side. I noticed a song dog out in a water way about 350-400 yards away to the north. I thought I would give a couple of yelps to see if I could get it’s attention and low and behold she came up to with in 10 yards of my set up. Apperantly my yelping sounds like a sick and distressed hen. Boom – 6 shot in the face…. She was a youngster about 35 lbs. She was already pretty patchy as far as her coat was concerned. But the neighboring farmer took her from me. After that I moved to the neighbors since my shotgun more than likely screwed things up for our little slice of heaven. No responses at all but did see one tom about 400 – 500 yards across the valley (1st photo) He was not interested – kind of acted like he was already henned up. Yesterday was a complete bust again with mother nature doing a complete 180 from Saturdays weather. Colder, cloudy, windy, rain & snow. I played cat and mouse and had a few close encounters but once again “No animals were harmed in the making of this hunt”
April 22, 2013 at 2:55 pm