It’s been an interesting winter, and an even more interesting spring thus far. The birds have really come alive the last three days with all of the melting that’s gone on south of the twin cities.
Up until now, I don’t think folks have been giving as much credit as they should to the effect of old man winter on our birds. I personally witnessed some birds in tough conditions, roosted quite late into the morning, and rather unwilling to fly from the trees even when you approached. In our neck of the woods, birds that migrated to live near corn stubble or rough-picked fields, had a tough time after the freezing rains of January, and the snow of March.
As these areas are being unlocked, I’ve seen birds really focus on the food for as much of the day as they can. I’ve seen 100 birds or so near some grain-bins that must have spilled-corn or other food that’s coming out from under the snow. I’ve also seen big flocks and solitary gobbler groups huddle around the base of oak trees as ground-bound acorns are popping through the snow.
I’m also hearing some gobbling in traditional roost locations, which is always a good sign that spring is underway. Not the boisterous gobbling we’ll see in the coming weeks, but toms are on the limb sounding off to crow and owl calls.
All in all, the turkey woods is coming alive, and I don’t think that ice/snow can peel back fast enough. I’m looking forward to getting the mud/muck/freeze cycle over with, and some solid drier ground underfoot for the first few seasons!
What’s everyone else seeing out there? How did your birds fare the winter?