Cannon Falls NWTF Banquet

  • Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    For any of those interested, we’d love to have you. Show up for free round-up ready corn-seed, lots of prizes, raffles, food, and other new wrinkles for 2013! Info below:

    Saturday March 16th, 2013

    Cannon Golf Club, County Rd 88, Cannon Falls, MN
    Doors open at 5:00 P.M.
    Gobbling Hour 5 – 6
    Buffet Dinner, Raffles, Games and Silent Auctions 6 – 8
    Followed by Live Auction and General Raffle
    All to support the hunting tradition and the wild turkey in Minnesota
    Sunrise Gobblers
    Hunting Heritage Banquet

    Regular Membership and Dinner ……………………$50
    Choose from Turkey Call, Women in the Outdoors or Wheelin’ Sportsman magazines.
    Membership card and NWTF decal.

    Husband and Wife Package ……………………………$90
    Includes two memberships, two dinner tickets and $40.00 in general raffle tickets.

    Jakes …………………………………………..$20
    Includes Jakes membership and dinner.

    Boss Gobbler Raffle Offer……………………….$100
    You’re going to buy some raffle tickets anyway, right? For just $100 you get $140 in general
    raffle tickets, $60 in game tickets and a NWTF CAP. Does not include dinner or membership.

    Players Club Raffle Offer ……………………….$250
    You’re going to buy some raffle tickets anyway, right? For just $250 you get $400 in general
    raffle tickets, $100 in game tickets and a NWTF CAP. Does not include dinner or membership.

    Total including membership and raffle packages $ _______________

    Check here if you will be using a credit card. Please return form and present credit card at the door.
    Name _______________________________ Phone _____________________________
    Address _________________________________________________________________
    City _______________________ State __________________ Zip __________________
    Return your registration before Mar. 5th and be entered into the Early Bird raffle for a
    12-gauge pump shotgun!
    Mail to: Sunrise Gobblers
    P.O. Box 504
    Cannon Falls, MN 55009

    Email Joel with questions – [email protected]

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