Birds continue to make things difficult out there. Hens are less vocal than even previous from what I’ve been seeing, but they are going off to nest pretty early. This bird was taken on Friday after jakes and hens left a group of three gobblers all by their lonesome sans one straggler hen. Even when the jakes were clucking and purring intensely, the gobblers would not come to calling, only gobble and retreat.
This bird was taken by literally pressing them to within 80 yards 3 separate occasions, the whole time them hearing us in the woods and bean stubble. Going slowly, and taking painstaking effort to stay out-of-sight, these birds would gobble at our footsteps multiple times. Basically, they let us walk to within range of them strutting as we used cover and elevation to our advantage. I gave “kill” orders for almost a full minute before my brother was able to stand up, take one step forward, and kill this tom when it came into view. Awesome hunt, up close and personal!