My morning hunt 5/3/2012

  • Bullcan
    Posts: 68

    Well my moring was great!! Done at 7:30am. 19lbs 10in beard 3/4in hooks

    river falls wi
    Posts: 64

    way to go!

    Mississippi River Pool 4
    Posts: 112

    thats nice one. was it bow or shotgun?

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I love it when a plan comes together! Congrats!

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    nice bird
    give us the details

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    give us the details

    Yes please!! Congrats!

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830


    Posts: 68

    Well here are the details! Shotgun bird. Well the morning started off with 7 diffrent birds on the farm gobbling. Set up on the on a hill in the middle of the farm field. My dad went into the far courner of the field. Had 4 jakes come into the hen decoy at 7:00am. They left and walked into the woods. I went down to see my dad and what he has seen in the morning. I got 20 yards from him and 2 toms fired on the woods. So I quickly sat down with him. He worked the calls and they talked back and forth for 10min. finally they came out of the woods and into the edge of the field. They hung up in the edge and would not come out any father. Then we hear another tom in the woods behind them coming to our calls. The first 2 toms started working their way away from us at 60 yards. I told my dad you have to make the call to take one of these of hope the other one would come in. Well we will just say that we both shoot benelli nova same choke tubes but I was shooting a 3 1/2in shell and he was 3in shell #5. Well I got the bird and he is now going out buy 3 1/2in shells.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Nice job John! How far of a shot?

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