Looking for a new box call

  • chans216
    Posts: 5

    Im looking for a new box call and Im just wondering what you guys recommend and what your favorites are. I am looking to spend under 50 bucks.

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    kinda quiet in these parts lately, eh chans. everybody must be scoutin, lookin for sheds and/or wally fishin.

    i dont use box calls a lot but have been trying to work them in a little more the last couple years.

    boxes that have brought toms in for me include woodhaven real hen, primos heartbreaker, hs strut field champion and mad mini master.

    the WH’s are around 60-70 bucks but the others are under 50.

    the ones CW linked look good and have me thinkin about adding another. thanks, cw

    lots of good ones out there. good luck.

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