click on the blade bait special at the top of this screen see where that takes ya.
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click on the blade bait special at the top of this screen see where that takes ya.
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Here’s my 2 cents. I bought a stowmaster for my hubby a few years ago. The first week we used it we were on LOW. My hubby had one on and I sprung into action, as I extended the net the handle took a perfect dive into the water( and THEY DO SINK) I still managed to land the fish but it was a little short. When we got back I contacted Stowmaster, explained what happened, and after a few chuckles, was told a replacement handle would be in the mail. It came the following day, NO CHARGE. I will never by another brand. The customer service with this company is outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are sitting in the blind and want to share photos or words of wisdom, this is the thread.
Good luck this spring!!
I won’t have the internet when I’m hunting. But it’s a good idea if your phone has the capabilities.
Well I’m not in a blind but I’ve got two on my left and one on my right just lighting the woods on fire. Flyup was 755, they’re with hens. Every time a hen repositions herself on the limb they double gobble. They gobbled one time i moved in the leaves too. Woods is way too loud. Will be here a bit. Last gobble was 8:10. Correction, i moved and the lead bird gobbled again . Tomorrow AM will be a symphony. I voice owl call for crap and they all just gobbled at it.
8:18. Still gobbling. Last one was at an eighteen wheeler’s jake brake a half mile away.
First gobble 6:08 and its been nonstop since. Choking on their own gobbles!
Like Bob said, its getting here!!! I have work mission to attend to but will start to get ready for next Wed. after that on Thursday. I thought I had another week, but not… Pretty sure I will find birds and if not my friends has two toms pinned on one of the county roads, probably get there opening a.m. to find 6 cars there waiting!!!
Anyone pass a number to me that could post… I would be happy to text while I’m in the woods, just no smart phone.
Good luck to anyone else hunting next week!!!
Sitting here looking out the window at my daughters ground blind. 2 hens and 3 toms about 30 to 40 yards away. Her youth hunt starts tomorrow morning. In 24 hours from now, she should have an arrow placed through a nice tom!
Out on the morning scout and a couple of miles from our intended target a jake/tom comes traipsing across the road @ 5:45 a.m…. WTH!!!
Finally after an hour of wandering we finally got a bird to return a call and then just before we had to leave for Easter Breakfast, we got a trio to sound off. Liking the chances better, gotta try to get them on the roost and then all I have to do is shoot that bow out of the blind and I think I am ready for Wednesday a.m. Gotta love a Northern WI Turkey Hunt!!!
No dead tom on our land this weekend. We had a lot of action to keep us on our toes. Sat. morning one henned up tom at 75 yrds passed us – no shot. Sat Afternoon, 4 toms chasing hens in our field. 400 to 100 yrds away. Today, coyote in the decoys. As soon as Olivia began the draw back, it bolted out of there. 2 more toms following hens out of range for her. This afternoon, finally had 1 of 3 toms that were chasing hens in front of us split of and take some interest in our decoy. He locked up at about 45 yards for 10 minutes and returned to the crowd at 300 yrds away from us….hopefully more of these hens get bred and the toms get a little more interested in seeking out a new girlfriend.
So I passed last night on trying to roost birds as I got my buddy’s ground blind and shot a few arrows out of it. I went down to check out my 6 “A” spots to see what might be going on this a.m… Nothing, really… Its been really cold in the a.m. and still very windy. Although on Sunday a.m. they didn’t want to talk right away, we did get them to talk by 9 and I had to get back to work this a.m. so now I am thinking do I really want to go down and sit in coveralls in the 25* weather or wait until after work tomorrow p.m. Probably run down with one of my buddies and wander a little bit tonight and make a decision on how to start tomorrow after that. And its snowing right now to boot… I will be out tomorrow for sure, just not sure about the starting point for the day.
Went down and wandered around the good spots again this evening. More tomorrow, at least right now anything I do in the afternoon will be based on turkey tracks…
P.S. Just about 30 minutes away from running down to setup the blind, Stick a decoy out with a string attached to make her move seductively. Not sure which “A” spot we’ll be in an hour or so from now, but we’ll be out trying to see if a turkey can get in front of the bow.
Hope everyone else has had some success during the first half of today!!!
Well the best set of tracks had way too many vehicle tracks over the top of them when we got there so we went to the other best set of tracks… not tonight, stopped by on the way back to see if any bird tracks had been laid over all the vehicle tracks and saw a pair of birds run off the road… So will be concentrating on the the first best set tomorrow…
Tom down last night!!! 22#, 10.5″ beard, 3/4″ spurs, shot by bow at 6:30 p.m. last night @ 18 yds. Tracking job ensued, bird in hand and back at blind by 7:00. More later, including pics and perhaps video.
Opening morning with Sierra. Lots of gobbling and answering back but no one has shown up yet.
The most call backs are when sierra is on the box call.
Had a great morning but no shots. Hen walked within 10ft of the blind and had a very big tom hang up with a hen at 50 yards for 30 minutes. Went and got lunch and a short nap (9 year olds and dads have a hard time with 5am wake times) now back at in the same spot. Been a great day so far!!
Go get ’em Sierra!!! Great job on the calling too!!! Can’t wait to see the pictures.
Olivia got bored when the gobbling stopped….knap time….Dad over looking the hollow. Had two toms at 400 yrds cross our field with some hens. Couldn’t draw any of them across the field
Sierra got an invite to go to a friends last night while we were in the blind. Not wanting to burn her out I asked if she would rather do that and she said yes. As we were leaving we spotted a couple jakes coming across the field. A few yelps to them and they made a b-line right to us.
Position was a bit tough as they came in on our right side. Long story short a darn tree jumped out in front of the turkey. Oh well, Sierra and I both agreed she wanted a Tom anyway!
We had a great day and she was a trooper spending about 6 hours in the blind. She and I are both excited for this weekend!!
2.5 hours of frustration!
I condensed 2.5 hours to about 7-1/2 minutes of pure frustration. In all we had 11 toms cross our field of which I’m pretty sure I saw one, twice. Video is a little raw and this was the first trip out with a new canon camera I bought. Forgot the tripod and the new 51X zoom works great with the shots I have at 610 yrds.
I took out all the calls and where the camera was running “blank screen” for audio.
I worked my butt off calling in the hens, and had worked her over 600 yrds up to us. Dang mature tom turned on us and chased another hen This was Olivia’s last chance this year for a spring tom with her bow. What a way to have a last day in the blind with her
…but didn’t seal the deal
Had 8 toms gobbling right off the bat this morining. Two were just behind us. They ended up in the field and strutted for 5 minutes before we had a hen sail through our decoys and land with the toms. They walked off and the hen walked back past us. We called the toms within 70yds but they wouldn’t leave the woods! After catching a glimpse every now and then we decided to make a move… That was a mistake! Never heard them again. We did kick a hen off her nest about 60yds from our original setup. She had 13 eggs already! Talk about an early spring!
Had two just come 200 yds in 45 seconds. Turned out to be jakes, killable for 30 minutes gobbling incessantly as they walked aroind the blind 2 and a half times! Going to work away from them, they won’t stop.
Crap. They’re back. Might spook them to get out of here. Gobbling like mad.
easy way to shut them up.
yeah, i know. i have popped a few jakes but not until desperation sets in the last day of a season.
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