Grandpa’s 1st Turkey///Meat Question?

  • fish509
    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    So I took my dad this morning. He is 70 and hasn’t hunted much since he was a kid. He has gone with me turkey hunting and never wanted to shoot one. Well yesterday he decided to buy a license.

    So this morning I set him up with a gun and off we went. Well beginners luck. A nice 10 inch beard comes out under the pine trees and is strutting and gobbling for us at about 90 yards. The bird strutts for about a minute and then sprinted into us. One shot and my dad has his first long beard. I think he is still grinning.

    So on the ride home, he says, I think I need to buy my own gun. How awesome. Got a picture with him and one of his grandkids next to a long beard.

    When I went to breast the bird I noticed it stunk more than most turkeys I have cleaned. I noticed next to his breast bone a large hole about the size of a baseball. It is black and stinks. I assume it must’ve been an abcess.

    Can anyone tell me if it is safe to eat? The other breast looks good, but I assume he had an infection.

    Any thoughts on the meat are appreciated.

    That was so awesome to be able to have that memory with my dad. Those anti-hunting people have no clue what its all about.

    thanks IDO

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’d probably pass on it. I’m super picky about poultry though.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    I’m with Kooty on this one, better safe than sorry….

    You still have one good breast and don’t forget about the thighs. Very tasty and often overlooked!

    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    Upon closer inspection, the cavity goes in quite a ways and it was full of maggots.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Ahhh, knock em off with the knife and just cook it a little longer.

    Drink several beers prior to eating also.

    It stinks, but the reality is this bird was probably dieing anyway. At least your dad got to feel the rush!

    I don’t know about Mn, but in SD in the past if we harvested an animal that was full of gang green etc… They would re-issue the tag. Might be worth a call to the DNR.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Wow. Fly down accident or an arrow wound? We got one like that which was sliced I’m guessing from a long-spurred old gobbler. This sounds worse. Ick!

    I’m with the rest, don’t bother with any breast meat in that area at all.

    More importantly, what a memory for your dad. Really cool of you to do, and great to see him get excited!


    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    I am waiting for a call from a Conservation Officer. Friend of mine told me the same thing, that they would re-issue a tag even though tomorrow is the last day.

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