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  • illiniwalli
    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    Closed out the 2011 turkey season this morning with an awesome hunt.

    Thought I had a good predawn plan, but the birds had moved their roost site about 200 yards away onto the neighbor’s property – off-limits, naturally.

    Sat tight for a couple hours and heard some distant gobbles until the sky started getting dark fast in the west. So I beat feet a couple hundred yards back to the wheeler to grab the blind that I brought along after the forecast said T-storms would roll in about 8.

    Got the blind set up tucked back in some trees along a freshly planted field as the thunder rumbled and it began to shower. Put a single feeding hen decoy out about 20 yards into the field.

    Was calling on the box and hit the tube a couple times since the wind was howling and about 15 minutes later had three toms answering – one way to the east, another south and one to the north. Called again a few minutes later and one gobbled about 150 yards north. I knew he was in the field, but I couldn’t see him.

    Took out a glass call and made a couple yelps and purrs and he hammered back closer.

    I put down the glass call, popped in a mouth call, looked up and there he was about 80 yards away strutting toward the deek. I didn’t call again as I just enjoyed the show he put on struttin and gobblin his way in.

    When he got about 10 yards from the decoy, he raised his head and I put the capper on a great 2011 season.

    He went 22 pounds, 10 1/2 beard, 1 1/8 spurs.

    I love those hunts where you go from zero to hero in a matter of minutes.

    Posts: 38

    That’s a fantastic story. Congrats on a great hunt!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    It’s been a heckuva good year for you! Nice bird! Congrats on the success, and thanks for sharing the story. Well-written also, only a turkey hunter can truly appreciate your last statement. Oh so true!


    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1007

    Great Bird Congrats

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I love it when a good plan comes together! Congrats!

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