Mid-day late season Turkeys.

  • blue-fleck
    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Any tricks or tips? The birds I’m after have heard a variety of calls already from the preceding seasons. I’m hoping to get between them and their feeding/watering grounds if I can’t pin them down in the morning or evening.

    Posts: 216

    I would say sitting over greened up fields would be the best bet. Toms always hit these fields after the hens go to nest because it is usually the first place hens will go after nesting.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I don’t have to worry about them hitting up any fields like that, because there aren’t any. They are however, using the cattle feeders as food source, but I can’t say for sure that the landowner would like me shooting that close to his house or cattle.

    I had to work today, but I’ll be back out at it tomorrow for as long as it takes.

    Posts: 216

    Good luck! I would try the water plan then. Let us know how you do!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I would look for strut zones in the woods, we usually them on the tips or side of ridge points that are wooded and steep on each side with a open-ish area near the top where they strut. I got my biggest bird ever in one of these at about 1:00 pm and my cousin shot 3 in a row in the afternoons from 2-4 from a different in woods strut zone. After the hens go off to nest these big boys seem pretty willing to play.

    Posts: 2998

    I guess I really don’t have any tricks???? If things don’t go my way I cover ground asking land owners and checking fields. Good luck to ya!

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