My “A” Season Roller Coaster

  • lick
    Posts: 6441

    Wow What a roller coaster my “A” season in MN and WI were. Filled with highs and lows close calls and near misses. After all my trail camera video I may have been a bit overconfident in filling my WI tag so I headed of to MN to hunt 1st.That and I was excited to chase some gobblers with Joel and JP. Wednesday morning found us set up in a great roost area but due to the weather the birds had not split up yet and were still across the highway. After a short walk we found what we thought was a Tom but turned out to be a pack of 10 Jakes all gobbling at the same time. Wednesday afternoon found us set up in a blind about 200 yards from 50+ birds including 12 Toms 7 that were strutting at the same time. We knew we had our work cut out for us. But kept calling almost nonstop for 2 hours finally pulling a Tom away from the group and to 40 yards where JP downed his second Tom of his short turkey hunting career 2 for 2 is a pretty good start. His Tom weighed 25.8 lbs had a 9 5/8 inch beard and 1 and 1 3/16 spurs. OK now time to fill my tag ! Thursday was a bust as we were covered up with Jakes again but I held out waiting for a Tom. Friday morning we got on some birds finally I get my chance and have a Tom come to 35 yards only to shoot and never ruffle a feather. Tip of the day = I made a rookie mistake I bought some different shells and didn’t pattern my gun turns out I couldn’t hit a pop bottle at 30 yards. I came back to WI to hunt the weekend and had numerous close calls only to get buggered by hens and an unlucky coyote that I took out some frustration on. The wind, rain. and sleet made this one of the toughest 5 day hunts I have ever had. When the 3 of us would hear a gobble and all point in different directions you know it’s bad. The whole time I was gone or in a different blind I had cameras on my set ups to see what I had been missing. Looks like I was pretty good at guessing wrong

    Thanks again Joel and Bob

    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542

    That’s a bummer! Sometimes thinking to hard can really beat a guy up. Everyone thinks they are super easy to kill well have a few years where you can’t get a gobble or even call a jake in and you will know some frustration. Still fun to be out and enjoy hunting! When turkey hunting is more like deer hunting it gets tough. Waiting for one to show up and not come into a call can really be hard on a turkey hunter. When you are used to calling birds in vs. waiting for birds to come in. It can be a tough sit.

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 427

    I can see where your confidence in filling your WI tag came from. Go get em’ next week.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Thats a great Video Your welcome here anytime sorry the birds weren’t here 3 weeks ago we had 20-30 toms every day. Good luck on the rest of your season.

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Awesome video Pat! That’s turkey hunting. Just as we talked this past week…once you start thinking there’s nothing to this game, these birds can humble a person real quick. Good luck the rest of the season. I know you’ll kill a bird…Maybe I can return the favor and call for you

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