As always, a great hunt…

  • daniellepearson
    Posts: 13

    My hunt began on Thursday, April 14. My dad, Dan Pearson, my uncle, Mike Pearson, and I got into our setup where dad had put 3 toms to bed the previous night. Mike and I were set up in the ground blind on the edge of the field, while dad was about 15 yards behind us calling. The birds were gobbling right away in the morning, which was exactly what I was praying for. The past several years I’ve been turkey hunting the birds havent been very vocal, and I have been waiting to hear those gobbles! So just hearing the birds in the roost got me all fired up! About 15 minutes after the first gobbles, we heard another lone gobbler sound off to the left of us, and it nearly knocked Mike right out of his seat! We weren’t expecting any to come from that direction, so it was even more encouraging.
    After the sun came up, we had a bearded hen in the field right away, it just about walked right into our ground blind, and then made it’s way over into dad’s lap.
    About 10 minutes after the hen left, Mike spotted a tom in the corner of the field. Out came 2 toms, about 6 hens, and 2 jakes. Everything was going perfectly. I got my gun ready, Mike had the camera going, and Dad was getting the toms all fired up with his calling. After a few minutes of watching these birds, I could no longer control the adrenaline running through my veins! I was shaking so bad that Mike told me to lower my gun for awhile until the birds came in closer so I could calm down a bit. (Even after 6 or 7 years of hunting, i always feel the excitement like it’s my first hunt) Turns out, they had no intention of coming in any closer than 31 yards so I was getting ready to put the shot on one of these toms. Unfortunately, I never felt comfortable taking the shot because the birds were too close together almost the entire time and I didnt want to risk getting two in one shot. After they strutted for several minutes, Mike said there was another tom in the woods to the left. I leaned foward to look out the window, and if you could have seen the sight of him, you would have thought it was from a picture. He was in full strut standing right on the edge of the was breath taking and it will be a sight I never forget. Unfortunately, the hens led the other toms into the woods without seperating and allowing me a shot. The jakes, however, put on quite the show after everyone else left. Finally, they walked off and we had to get going because I had to get to my 8:00am class. I had asked Mike if he could put the hammer back on my gun because I get nervous to do that while it’s loaded. He put it back, opened the action, and said “Well, it would have been nice to have had a shell in here” he’s laughing. My jaw dropped immediately because earlier in the morning as we were getting ready to walk out, Dad had gotten my gun out for me and I heard him open the action and close it again so I had assumed he loaded it already! So I guess I can be thankful I never squeezed off (and it also saved the embarrassment that would have been on video forever!)
    After class, Dad and I went back out at about noon and decided to bring out the decoys..two hens and b-mobile. We also moved the blind closer to their strutting zone so we could hopefully have a better chance at getting one as they went to roost that evening. Dad said every time he saw them in the afternoon, it wasn’t until about 6:00pm, so we were pretty laid back for most of the afternoon. Dad called a little bit every hour, on the hour, but never more than that. At about 4:00, dad decided he was going to take a quick nap and I was going to keep an eye out.
    Then at 4:25 or so, we heard what sounded like a tom spitting. Dad quickly lifted his head up, and the sound was confirmed when we heard it for the second time. Dad tried to get the camera going, and then all of a sudden I saw the red head outside of the blind. I said, “oh my gosh dad, he’s right there! don’t move, he’s right there!” He quickly strutted right up to b-mobile. Thankfully we had a pine tree in front of us that he went behind so we could get situated without being spotted. He was strutting around b-mobile, and got spooked so when he turned around again, Dad said, “take him now”. I put my bead on his head and pulled the trigger. After I was able to steady myself after getting knocked over by the blow of my single shot 12 guage, I quickly got out to claim my prize!
    I can’t imagine spending my time doing any other sport and I love that I am able to spend this time with my dad (and Mike when he comes with). So, thank you dad for spending this time with me. I cherish it more than you know.
    20.5 lbs
    beard one: 2 1/4in
    beard two: 9 1/2in
    spurs: 7/8in

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Double bearded! That’s awesome Dannir…congrats on another great hunt. Your dad told me you almost fell over backwards after the shot…that is funny! I will be working on the video tonight and hopefully get it downloaded tonight as well. Congrats again!

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Whether it be in a turkey blind, deer stand or on the lake, I cherish those times with you too. Congrats on another Tom Dannir! He’s quite the trophy…double beard! With all the turkeys I’ve got, I have yet to shoot a multiple beard Tom! I want some of your luck! Nice story too, like the detail.

    Thanks again for sharing my passion with me.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    Awesome bird and congrats to you all on a great hunt

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    great job.
    cool story. congrats

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    congrats on an awesome bird and a great story Mike and Dan you guys are great role models

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1008

    Great Story Congrats on the double beard

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 428

    Great memories – thanks for sharing.

    Posts: 6443

    Great story Dannir Congrats on a trophy Gobbler and nice work making memories with your Dad and Uncle

    Buffalo MN
    Posts: 104

    Congrats on a great bird and story.

    Posts: 2998

    Great story, and congrats on a awesome bird sounds like you guys had a great hunt.

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