Youth and turkey hunting?

  • john_steinhauer
    Posts: 2998

    In MN I thought youth could buy a tag over the counter? I was looking at the reg book last night for the cost, and it says

    Youth turkey $12.00*

    “*Available through lottery drawing only”.

    Is this right or can a kid just go buy one? Thanks everyone.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    From the MN DNR website.

    �� All youth age 17 and younger by April 13, 2011 can purchase a youth turkey license over the counter to hunt
    any single time period A-H beginning March 1, 2011. Youth must select a time period and permit area.

    Posts: 2998

    I guess my next question is how young is to young to turkey hunt I see there is no min age listed. I have seen on shows some pretty young kids going with their parents aid. what can and can’t a parent help with?

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    MY son has been going with me since he could crawl . He started actually hunting with a gun when he was 7. I bought him a nice shooting stick so he can steady his gun and works well out of a turkey blind.

    Posts: 9267

    I think is all depends on how much the parents have worked with them. Even when shooting clay pidgeons I would make my son first tell me all the step of loading, putting the gun up and shooting before he could load the gun. My son shot his first duck at 7 and deer at 10.

    Posts: 222

    First off it’s great that your thinking of including a young hunter this spring! I commend anyone who has, or who is going to get a youth involved in this sport!

    How young is too young? Depends on the kid. Size plays a small part, but the big thing is the level of mentality they are at.

    Parents aiding kids. Little Bossman is 7, I help get his shooting sticks up, and for now I turn the safety off for him. Thats it though. He carries his own stuff, aims, fires, and puts the gun back on safe all on his own. I don’t even sit behind him, and as a matter of fact we have doubled several times. Thats the only way we’ve ever done it though.

    If your referring to The Wild Outdoors and the show that featured the Wiltse family, to say the least I was appalled by what I saw there. The fact that the youngest girl is standing next to the gun with her head next to the receiver does not IMO constitute her killing that bird. He was holding the gun, he aimed it, and she might have pulled the trigger


    Posts: 2998

    I was more less looking at it as the fact of sitting behind him, and helping him steady in some way shooting sticks…something. I know he can aim and all that, the wife says take him, and just help him. I say when does the DNR draw the line with to much help. I don’t want his first trip to be one where he gets to watch the game warden give out tickets.

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