missed one last night

  • protourbaits
    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Had a ton of birds coming to the roost last night. From what i could see, there were 3-4 toms and about 4-5 hens. First tom came by around 43 yards and once he saw the blind or something out of the ordinary, he skirted out to out of range…a hen comes by around 40 followed by a second tom that was about 40 also. I drew my bow and had to move a little to my right into the window. By this time i had the bow drawn for about 20 seconds or so but i finally got the pin on him.
    I watched my arrow fly perfectly towards him and right about when it was going to hit him, he lifted his wings and the arrow went right in the middle of his wing completely missing his body I know turkeys drop their body’s right before they fly so that could be an explanation
    Either way, this is the same spot where the turkeys have seem sketchy about blinds so im going to give the spot a rest for a couple days and then try it again. They did however roost in the pines after i shot, but i busted them out of the roost when i went to check my arrow I hope they’ll be back….

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Man if you would have had a RAGE on you would be eating Turkey tonight

    Keep after them

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Don’t give up!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I’m not the best shot in the world, but I’m not bad either. With Turkey Hunting and the amount those birds move and never sit still, the farthest I would ever attempt a shot is 30 yards and pass up many shots at that range trying to get a closer shot that is 25 yards or under. That is my own personal limitations, but regardless 40 yards is quite long for anyone with Archery tackle in my opinion. Not total sure on your shot range when you shot but it reads as if it was 40 yards or around it.

    Stay after them PT and hope your luck turns around.

    Posts: 3

    Keep at it! I haven’t had an opportunity yet myself. Just curious – you didn’t mention decoys. Were you using any, and if so what? I had a Tom out in South Dakota earlier this year spook from a jake decoy.

    Todd Ritter

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    nope no decoys. I don’t want to use one so close to the roost. Just let them come naturally. I may use Pretty Boy on friday morning there however

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