Heartache breeds desire

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    This past Friday, the Mn archery season opened up. It runs from the 14th – 27th in any zone with 50 or more tags for each season. I have been lucky to acquire permission on some land in a unit close to home. I’ve been watching some birds from a distance for 3 weeks on this land. Unfortunately due to work obligations, I wasn’t able to hunt for more than an hour last Friday. That’s OK, I spotted the two toms I am after.

    Saturday morning, I’m up at 4:00. I meet Brad and Ian Juaire at the gate to the property. We load up all the gear and head to our first spot. This is the first time trying to setup in the “zone”. Unfortunately we were about 150 yards from where we should have been. However, we spotted two mature toms and learned quite bit about what these birds do. I had a great time with Ian in the blind, he did great for 10 years old!! We told a few stories and poked fun at each other. Just what it’s all about!

    Sunday morning, I’m up at 3:30. I’m hunting alone today so I allowed some extra time to get into a new spot. I had to carry everything myself, so the extra time was nice. I’m setup and ready by 5AM, about the time the woods starts to come to life. The ABSOLUTE best part of turkey hunting for me. Shortly after texting a buddy, I hear my first gobble. COOL!! I’m exactly where I need to be.

    The tom lands about 125 yards directly behind my blind. He’s a talker too! He stands out there and gobbles non-stop for 25 minutes before he finally starts inching towards me. I was hitting him with some soft yelps and he would respond, but just didn’t seem to want to commit. After what seemed like hours, he was finally out the side of the blind at 48 yards. Inching closer and closer. I decided to check the front of the blind and what do I see, a hen in my deaks. I’m thinking OH CRAP. That dirty bird is gonna take my tom. Luckily for me she started working away, in a direction that would draw the tom right towards me. I look back at the tom. He’s now closing the distance at a fair pace. He’s strutting and spitting. Great stuff. I look back at the hen, wouldn’t you know it. She is walking right back to me. She actually walked through the decoys between the tom and the blind. I thought for sure it was game over. Nope, he’s ticked and wants a piece of the the b-mobile intruder. I’ve got him at 9 yards, broadside. I draw back.

    At this point, I realized my peep had turned just slightly and my sight picture wasn’t perfect. I felt it was good enough and released. A clean miss. Hind sight is 20/20, but I should have let down. The bird wasn’t nervous, he wasn’t going anywhere. I’m quite upset with myself for not taking my time and making sure I had everything perfect. This bird circled my deaks and went back into the woods. Gobbling the whole time. He ended up circling my setup 180 degrees and came out of the woods now on my right side at 20 yards. I thought well, he may be the dumbest turkey ever, but I’ll take it for my 1st solo kill. Unfortunately he would never get closer than 20 yards. However, for the next 45 mins I got to watch quite a show and work on my calling with him.

    As I’m “playing” with the lucky tom, I spotted a bird across the open field. Thinking hen with my naked eye. As I pull up my binocs, he stops, struts and gobbles. SWEET!! Here is the 2nd tom from Saturday. He is working his way up a road to me, then suddenly starts cutting out into the field. Doesn’t he see me??? I grab the box call and yelp 3 times. Boink, he stops, looks and gobbles. He stops twice more closing the distance quite fast. He’s coming in, he doesn’t stop again until he is right behind the b-mobile at 6 yards. No shot. He circles the decoy and is standing at a right angle to the B. 5 yards. I draw back. I’m collected. Anchor point, check. Peep/sight picture, check. Spot on the spot aiming point, check. I squeeze the release, WHACK! Not a good one either. The bird was so close, I clipped the top of the opening in the blind.

    The bird jumps, circles the deaks, struts at the b-mobile again, all within 10 yards. Checks out the Jake, then turns and walks away slowly. Guess what fool only brought two arrows to the blind with him this morning. Guess where they are both laying. Son of gun…Or something close to that came out of my mouth. I can see the fletching from both arrows from the blind. I’m sick! This was my first solo hunt and I missed not one, but TWO flippin’ chances at point blank range. I’ve been practicing at 10 yards all week and I’d be willing to bet anyone I can hit within a 1″ circle on 3 out 4 shots.

    The good news, I’m almost done beating myself up over this. I’m trying to take solace in the fact that I somehow brought two birds into killing range. Considering I just picked up some calls in the last 4 weeks, I guess I should be happy. I’m also thankful my good friend Brad showed up to talk me off the ledge a bit and have some laughs at my expense. I’m quite sure the 2nd bird was a also a clean miss. However, Brad and I did search for blood(none found) and decided to walk the woodlot he walked into just in case.

    As I scouted the property this morning on my way to work, I was able to spot a tom out in the field doing his normal morning ritual. I can’t hunt til Friday, so hopefully both birds get a chance to settle down a little. I’ll continue to practice this week, but this time from inside the blind also. I thought my desire was burning strong last week, not compared to this week. I really want to close the chapter on this season with happier ending. Gonna be a long week waiting.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Don’t beat yourself up too much Kooty…it happens to everyone. Oh wait a minute, no it doesn’t! Great story and great encounters…you still have until the 27th big guy…don’t give up. Just take more arrows!

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Good stuff! I know I’ve killed my share of Double Bull blinds myself…

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Keep after them Kooty, it’ll happen!!!


    Posts: 6441

    Good stuff Kooty so you muffed 2 shots You should be proud of the fact that you decoyed/called 2 toms with in 10 yards of your set up So you are doing something correct anyhow

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830


    Good stuff! I know I’ve killed my share of Double Bull blinds myself…

    x2 my first shot w bow went right through the DB a few years back

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Just got done with 30 arrows in the blind. I figure a couple sessions a night like this will be good pennance.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Kooty, did you ever get your peep turning issue resolved?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Not 100%. It’s about 90 degrees off by default right now. I turn the D-loop/string and clip on my arrow. I’m trying to get another 100 + arrows through this new string to see if she will settle in. If not, then I’m getting a new string post turkey season.

    For this weekend, I’m confident I can manipulate the string manually. Worst case, I’ll let down this time.

    The weekend can’t get here soon enough!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Awesome story of the hunt Koots. Thanks for sharing!

    The way I look at it, as long as I learn from my mistakes I make it will only make me a better hunter. Keep at it buddy!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Great recap Kooty! My very first time bow hunting for turkeys, I shot right through the zipper! I was fortunate enough that the arrow still found its mark and I killed that tom. Keep at it! You are doing all of the right things that will eventually lead you to success!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Another 30 arrows out of the blind tonight. I’m practicing all I can for angle etc… Also practicing what shot I’m capable of taking vs chancing it. Don’t want to mess up this time.

    Spotted a tom in the “spot” again this morning. Can’t wait to get out there Friday.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Good luck Kooty…now I wish I was heading out again!

    Posts: 6441


    Good luck Kooty…now I wish I was heading out again!

    8000 tags available in zone 1 still

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337



    Good luck Kooty…now I wish I was heading out again!

    8000 tags available in zone 1 still

    I know I know…still mulling it over in my head!

    Posts: 6441




    Good luck Kooty…now I wish I was heading out again!

    8000 tags available in zone 1 still

    I know I know…still mulling it over in my head!

    High of 90 here Sunday I may go the “f” word

    Posts: 6441




    Good luck Kooty…now I wish I was heading out again!

    8000 tags available in zone 1 still

    I know I know…still mulling it over in my head!

    High of 90 here Sunday I may go the “f” word

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Well, I’m back at it tomorrow morning. Two toms were spotted again this morning in THE spot.

    Looking for a bit of advice. Neither bird was terribly scared last weekend after my debacle. Any reason not to use the same spot and decoy setup?

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    If you see them in the same spot I would go there again. Good luck Robinhood!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    As a novice turkey hunter, I’m simply amazed at the communication amongst turkeys. This morning I was setup on the spot of the infamous debacle. It was quiet, no DEAD. I thought I heard 1 gobble, but I couldn’t confirm it.

    About 6:45 I had a hen walk right into the decoys. She then walked around the blind and stopped. It was so much fun listening to her talk. I did my best to mimic everything she did. All but the purr, pop sound. I gotta learn that. It’s to freakin’ cool. After about 20 minutes of our conversation, she must have gotten board. Hard to believe, I know!!

    She moved on a bit. I was about ready to pack up and head into work. I put all my stuff together to make a quick get away. I looked out of the blind just in case. What do I see, another hen with her. Great, 50 yards behind me. I sat down for 5 minutes trying to decide what to do. I looked again, well, looky here. Mr Tom showed up. However, he wanted nothing to do with my calling or decoys. He did everything he could to heard those hens away from me. I watched him push the hens across the open field to a bridge they use. At that point I left for the day. Tomorrow, I’m gonna setup at the ambush point near the bridge.

    I’ve got two more days to hunt this year. Hopefully I can get lucky and pull off another opportunity at a tom. However, if a Jake comes in, he best be on the look out.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m officially done. Got out yesterday by 5AM. Setup in a known travel path of these birds. Had one hen show herself around 6:15. She ducked into a swamp about 50 yards from me never to be seen again. No other birds spotted. As I scouted this spot this morning on my way in, not a bird in sight. Probably a good thing. I can’t hunt this week anyway.

    I’d like to give Brad a special thanks for “giving” me the bug and trying to teach me as much as possible. Also a huge thanks to Pat and Joel for answering all my rookie questions. I had an amazing seasaon with 1 successful kill and two other opportunities that will likely haunt me for a while. That’s what it’s all about!!

    Now, this shifting gears thing….4 more weeks and I’ll be in Alaska!!

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Sounds like you had a great season and that’s all that matters

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