MN “E” season

  • jason_ramthun
    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    My dad and I set out May 4th in search of a Tom turkey

    Well little did we know it would take all 5 days to get it done

    Not that I really cared if I got a bird this year because I had one goal this year and

    that was to get my son a bird and that goal was met

    I found out fast that taking my brother , cousin and a friend Turkey hunting in my spots after I

    got Gunner a bird was a mistake I have never had to work for a bird this hard .

    I’m thinking some boys will be looking for some spots to hunt next year

    We had many good mornings with plenty of birds to work but they just would not commit,

    As the week went on I could tell my dad was getting tired ( he is 67 ) and I do push him kinda hard

    So the next morning I told him YOU are sleeping in and I will pick you up at 10 a.m. He was like

    what are you talking about ?????? I just said can you trust me on this , I want these birds done chasing the hens

    and out looking for new chicks when we show up The spot I was taking him to is a real tricky spot to hunt due

    to BIG fields and BIG woods all around the field . ( very easy to get busted by birds in this spot because the can see

    so far )

    We start our hunt out at 11 a.m. I glass the field and we have a Tom in the middle

    So I knew we would have to head deep in the woods so this bird would not see us and do some running and gunning on the

    way to him ….. We never did get a bird to hit my calls as the wind picked up to 20 We are now at the half way point to this bird ,

    I just happen to look down and what do I see ??? MUSHROOMS so we spent about a 1/2 hr picking a big bag full

    Funny how you forget about turkey hunting when you find mushrooms

    But we didn’t forget long because that turkey out in the field let a gobble go and he was only 300 yards or so from us

    So we hooked around the woods a bit more and set up . I called to him with one return gobble then nothing , Keep calling and he

    would come a bit, let me see his head and then back down the little hill so I couldn’t see him . Dang he is hung up , So I told dad you sit

    here and I’m going to move down the woods a bit . ( I only went 30 yard and made sure dad could still see me ) Started calling again . I could

    see the bird working my way , then back … I could tell this was not going to work …. But wait I can see my dad pull his gun up I must have called in more

    birds from our left So I keep calling away and see some heads popping up and down in the hay field …. I could see they are in

    range of dad so I hit them hard , heads come up and BANG bird down , as I ran up to my dad this other Tom was just standing around looking at

    me at 30 yards but I was so happy for dad I never did shoot

    Dad’s bird was 20 pounds , 10 1/2 beard and 1 1/4 spurs ….. Nice job pops …

    So now it’s my turn to roll one

    We set out the next morning with high winds , rain and snow I have never hunting turkeys in this kind of weather and just what I was thinking

    they would not talk at all till the weather clears up , Around 8 a.m. the sun would pop out some and it was getting a bit warmer out … We just

    sat on the field edge waiting for birds to pop out or one to gobble. 9 am hits and I hear a bird gobble but he is a long long ways off , I look at

    dad and say are you ready for this ??? Yep lets get him Well lets just say we walked for a good 2 hrs chasing this Tom from one side of the

    woods to the other , I’m not sure if he had a hen with him or what but he was on a mission from hell I knew one thing I had to get in front

    of this turkey somehow , we are 2 hrs into this and we are almost back at the truck As I popped my head out of the woods I could see

    this big boy was out in the field and heading to the other side , ( NOT AGAIN ) he is going right back to the spot dad and I started in ….

    As we walk with in 100 yards of the truck I could tell dad was thinking a nice cup of and a smoke would be nice ……. I looked at him and

    said I want this bird bad now , he has me mad , can you make it with me or would you rather rest a bit and I continue alone ? Well that took about

    a second for him to decide … I’m going to the truck you go get him A fast knuckle to each other and I was off and running ….. Back deep into the woods

    I go in hopes of cutting this guy off . As I’m moving slow down the valley I can hear him gobble out in the field (good 500 yards from me ) but coming towards me . I’m thinking to self , I don’t think I can pull him down this big valley and up the other side , Thinking I better check him and make my move ( had not heard him for a bit ) . Made one call

    and he cut me off , he’s hot and coming Down the valley I go and bang next thing I know this bird is on top of me with a gobble and another gobble … BALLS he met me head on at the bottom of this valley , I sit down fast with one leg out so I would not slide down the hill hit him with my mouth

    call , gobble , gobble , drumming and some spitting , All I can see is his head coming through the brush , ” white then blue” man he is fired up ! He came

    another 30 yards jumped on a stump went into full strut and let out his last gobble as I had my red-dot on his head . Let him come out of strut and let him

    have it Bird down I didn’t even jump up and go to him right away , Still sitting and thinking you did it, you just killed the bird that has gave you the 3 hr

    slip As I walked over to my bird I was thinking man I wish dad would have came with me , this was the best show I have seen by a turkey .

    I walked over to my bird and he was stone dead on the other side of the stump , on his back with both wings out ! Wish I would have taken a picture of that ….

    I picked him up and was like man he’s a fat boy , great beard and great spurs ….. But I didn’t look long as I wanted to go show my dad …. Well little did I know

    he got his coffee and was sitting in a chair that he found in the back of my truck and said I could hear him gobble then you call then the shot . So I guess we still did kind of share this hunt ….. …… Oh and while all this was going on I found the shed in my picture I seen it grabbed it and continued after my bird …

    My bird was 24 pounds , 11 1/2 beard and 1 3/8 spurs … What a slob and a hunt I will never forget

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    That a boy GMAN! Congrats to the both of you on great birds! Better yet though was the quality time the two of you spent in the turkey woods. Nothing better than that as far as I’m concerned. Memories for a life time!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats GMAN on some great hunting! I hunted the same season (Thurs.-Sat.) and know first hand how tough the weather was on Fri. and Sat.!!

    That is a slob of a bird…CONGRATS!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Good stuff and great job on getting Dad out and a bird. My brother had my 82 year old father out two weeks ago. They almost connected, we’re not sure if we have a gun holding problem or a vision problem accounting for his miss. Still great to see him/them getting out there!!!


    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Congrats GMAN! Nice shed too!

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    Posts: 6443

    Great story Jason

    You left out some of the words you used when you told me

    You are a hunting machine

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Awesome story and Hunt Buddy!

    Congrats on some hunts you will remember for quite some time!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    G, Congrats on the giant and rubbing it in with a good shed. Congrats!

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 831

    Sounds like a blast, you and the RedMan really put the down

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Two toms down, finding a shed and hunting with Dad – it just doesn’t get much better than that! Congratulations!

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