I like them when using bait. They seem to work well in sand but not very good in he rocks, Iam working on a standup jig for dragging in the summer I let you know how it works.
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My first ever…
April 1, 2008 at 2:13 am #669919
I have had very good luck this spring using the knuckle ball jigs for dragging ringworm. I used them on one rod vs. another and they seemed to out fish other jigs 3-1 for me. Thus, only when the fish were holding close to the bottom. When the fish werent on the bottom, jig style didnt seem to matter as long as you had the right color ringworm. This was the first year I tryed this style of jig head on the river.
Wallster ><((((>April 1, 2008 at 3:35 am #669956Nuckleballs and stand ups both are great jigs. Nuckleballs really seldom lay over on their side which minimizes snagging up.
They also have those awesome ultra sharp Mustad hooks!Great dragging jigs!
April 1, 2008 at 12:12 pm #670001I also say try the Nuckleball jigs with bait. Great jigs.
Thanks, BillApril 1, 2008 at 3:38 pm #670058they usually have one heck of a sale during the minneapolis sports show… i just found the vendor list for the sports show and they are slated to attend.
April 1, 2008 at 8:55 pm #670150The Nuckle Ball jig is the real deal.
It will definitely reduce snags and improve your hooking percentage.
Jim Carroll NPAA #13
May 6, 2010 at 12:58 pm #211177bearded hen that is. As stated in Dan’s report “Tough season”, it was very tough last week. We spent the first three days trying to get a bird kill on video as Brad joined our turkey camp but we just couldn’t get them to commit. A lot of great encounters and birds with in range but wouldn’t come out of the thick cover for a shot. But after 52 long, hard hours in the woods I finally got my opportunity Sunday morning. Dan came with me to see if we couldn’t close the distance on a bird. After a perfect set up on a bird we roosted the night before, he decides to follow a hen in the woods instead of coming to the field.
So we move to the back side of the ridge just in time to see two toms fighting over a hen. AWESOME!
The only bad part is that the dominant bird pushed the other tom in the wrong direction.
So we decide to move up the dugway road real slow to see and hear any sign of birds. Dan see’s another bird in the field but loses it. I stay back as he makes his way up the dugway to see if he can hear anything up there. About 10 minutes pass as I listen for any sign of a bird when up pops this red head 15 yards from.
It was the bird we saw and then lost…I never heard him coming but I did unfortunately hear and see him leave!
At that point I make my way up to Dan and we decide to move up the dugway even further. As we did Dan stops and says, “Listen…do you hear that?” So I stop and to our amazement we can hear a tom fanning about 20 yards straight below us. With no where to set up we sit down and wait. After 5 minutes a hen pops up out of no where and then walks away putting, but not scared. I told Dan that the two birds split up so maybe we can call them back. After about 10 minutes and some soft calling from Dan, the hen shows up in the dugway road and I was disappointed it wasn’t the tom…but happy to see she had an 8 3/8″ beard. Without hesitation the 12 gauge barked and she was down at 40 yards! What a great way to end the season and get me off a 2 year drought. Looking forward to getting back on those birds this weekend for Jackie and my buddy Jay!
Thanks Dan for helping me out and Brad for spending some time in our turkey camp!
May 6, 2010 at 1:35 pm #80953Thanks for letting me tag along. Weather and wind were brutal at times and the toms just would not cooperate, but being with you when you harvested that bearded hen was one of the coolest hunts I have been on. Another memorable hunt on Ziggy’s land. Thanks to Jim for allowing us the opportunities to hunt his land the past 11 seasons.
Now go out and get Jackie and Jay their first birds!
May 6, 2010 at 3:23 pm #80961Quote:
Thats a huge beard!!
Full body mount
Congrats Mike
Can’t afford a full body mount this time around.
Would’ve been cool though.
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