How much action are you seeing?

  • asphixiation
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 32

    Wondering how much breeding action you are seeing for turkeys. My season starts on Sunday. Are the toms still with hens most of the day or are they feeding more? How much gobbling are they doing? Thanks, brad

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    The birds I’m watching in the NW metro are still grouped up pretty good. Although I’ve spotted an occasional single here and there. I’ve got an archery tag starting the 14th and I hope I can figure out a way to pull one of those birds away from the group by then.

    Good luck!!

    eagan, mn
    Posts: 178

    this morning, i saw about a dozen being stalked by a yote about a mile from my office on hwy 5 in chan!

    im with ya kooty… the MN archery season cant come soon enough!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Last Wed in Southwestern WI, Mike Pearson and I watched a tom breed a hen for practically 5 min. We also heard a lot of gobbling especially during the late mornings which tells me that the toms are cruising quite a bit while the hens are sitting on their nests.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Just saw 5 toms with 3 hens in one group and then 2 toms with 1 hen in another this morning. Also witness a pretty good fight between toms with my brother Dan Sunday morning. The tom was with a hen when another tom joined the party and it was game on. Good action that morning but couldn’t get anything close. Good luck during your season Brad!

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    During our season last week, most of the toms we saw were by themselves by late morning thru the evening. Good luck!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Things are about a week or week and a half ahead of schedule. I’m seeing activity now more typical of MN seasons “E” or “F”. Lots of lone hens, esp. mid-morning on, with groups of jakes that have finally been pushed around enough. This, coupled with toms that have already done alot of breeding, esp. with the “usual” hens, is contributing to alot of Jake vs. Tom fights I’ve been seeing. On 3 separate occasions in the past week I’ve witnessed 2 or more jakes literally run the tom(s) out of town. Once was during a pouring rain.

    Now is a great time to stay mobile and strike a bird that’s been pushed out of his normal haunts. These seasons more than any see birds in areas you’ve never seen them before. Everything is “live”, but you might have to cover some serious ground before you encounter a bird. Also keep in mind that pressure becomes very real during this point of the season. The birds have been pushed around and some have been killed. Reassess and re-scout rather than relying on old information. The birds I’ve been watching are switching up roost sites more often, and have been in different areas than where I found them during my “B” season.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Thanks for the tips Joel. Great info to consider while I’m scouting!!!

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Saw the same exact thing in Buffalo County over the weekend. Had a big tom working and at about 50 yds, had 4 jakes run the big boy off. Then the 4 jakes came into my decoys and let’s just say that 3 left.

    Will be back at it again this weekend.

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