Done In Nebraska, Slam Complete

  • alanmdk
    Posts: 222

    On the last day we had on the trip, during the last hour, at the last spot before heading home, Little Bossman got himself a Merriams. Saw a lot of birds again out there, and even passed on a flock of jakes the first morning. The big boys were still in the flocks breeding, but one morning we did get one to come in only to hang up at 35 in a litte brush. We hunted a couple different ranches out there, but finally cashed in on a heavily hunted piece of public land.

    Now that his quest is done, the fans are drying, and the pressure is off we have one last hunt here in MN. We put 6500 miles on chasing turkeys the last couple months, and something like 25 days on the road. I’m sure glad to be able to jump on the wheeler, and go for a few around home… finally!

    At six years old he never complained, or put up any fuss. He’s a pretty special little guy, and I’m glad we had the chance to spend this time together chasing turkeys.

    His Merriam

    Florida double bearded Osceola



    I was able to complete my Grand Slam this year also, and to tell the truth it really didn’t matter if I got it or not. The fact I could be with my son for the whole trek while he did his trumps my slam by a mile. This was the most rewarding year of hunting I have ever had, and I have a lifetime of hunting with him to look forward to.

    Posts: 6441

    Wow great job guys

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    That is amazing! Congrats on the finishing the Grand Slam.

    Posts: 2389

    Excellent, congrats!

    Growing up with a minimum hunting age of 12 (WI) all my life, I find it impressive that you can (legally) get a 6 year old on every species of turkey… Doubly impressive is him having the patience, skill, etc to get ‘er done!!!



    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    Wow Impressive Congrats

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    that’s awesome congrats to you and the little guy.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    That’s a serious hunt session! Congrats!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Congrats on a great year

    Posts: 222

    Thanks Guys!

    It sure has been a fun year. With a shotgun tag remaining for him here, and bow tags for his mom and I, we still have a few days to enjoy. It will be his moms first bird so once again I’ll be waiting my turn. It’s the least I can do, she is the one who held down the fort while the boys were away.


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Truly a remarkable accomplishment to get a Slam for a 6 year old! However, I’m guess the Slam is not the most important thing and that spending quality time together for that many days in the field is what you cherish the most.

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Congrats on an awesome season!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Yes you have had quite the year already! Good luck in your future hunts…but I doubt you need it!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Truly a remarkable accomplishment to get a Slam for a 6 year old! However, I’m guess the Slam is not the most important thing and that spending quality time together for that many days in the field is what you cherish the most.

    Agreed. A slam for a 6 yr. old. Is that a misprint? I know it’s not, which makes it somewhat surreal. Chris, it sounds like you guys did about 10 years of turkey hunting in one year. Many congrats to the both of you, as it’s never easy to kill a turkey on ground you’ve never been on, making it that much more sweeter.

    Thanks for the ongoing reports, can’t wait to see the mounts, as I’m guessing you’ll be doing something to commemorate the experience.



    Posts: 395

    Great job making lifetime memories for both you and your son.

    Nice work in actually engaging a child in something you are so passionate about. These pictures will bring you a lifetime of proud memories.

    The only drawback is now what does a 6 year old do to top a grand slam? An Archery slam at 7? By the time he’s out of high school he’ll be hunting them with a pocket knife!

    Posts: 126

    Congrats! That is what hunting is all about! Thanks for sharing.

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