4/25/10 turkey hunt

  • john_steinhauer
    Posts: 2998

    hit the woods today to chase some birds first set up seemed to be a good one birds all over got set up and did some soft calling for a half hr or so and here comes a tom all alone and he was closing the distance fired a shot off and……….MISS but i got over it and moved on to the next spot got there and started my way up the field road and as i rounded th corner theres a tom with a hen so i backed off and tried to swing around them watching them as i was trying to cut em off i noticed they where not going any where so i tried to call and pull him off his hen and nothing he could care less wouldnt even give me one gobbble so i started to close the distance army crawling the hole way after i thought i was about as close as i was going to get and still not being close enough i started calling agin and the tom could care less but the hen on the other hand thought somthing sounded good and started to feed my way but to my surpise the hen got closer and closer till next thing i know i could of spit on her then she seen me and sounded the alarm and off she went but other than running away from me she ran right past me and left her tom sitting there lost so i held tight and waited thinking he is going to want that hen back being he was lost and had no clue why she left after about another ten min he started heading in the way his hen went and let left him wide open and thirt yards so i let the 870 sing stopped him in his tracks not my biggest tom but at 20lbs 1 inch spurs and a 9 inch beard im happy with it better than eating my tag try to post some pics later

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    Very cool story, thanks for sharing and congrats! Any tom is a trophy in my book, and way to pick yourself up after the miss. What they say about “anyone who hasn’t missed will…” is right-on. What you do after it is far more important. Great work, can’t wait to see the pics!


    Posts: 6443

    Nice job congrats

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 831


    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1008


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12325

    Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one who missed. Afterwords I felt like the only person in the world who misses a turkey with a shotgun. It feels a little better to know that it happens to other people as well. Your story ended up far better than mine though. Congrat’s !!!

    Posts: 2998

    havingtroubles posting a pic file type is jpg ?????????????????? not sure how to do it

    Posts: 6443

    My guess would be that you need to resize

    Email it to me and I will post it for you if you can’t resize it

    [email protected]

    Posts: 2998

    i sent it to you rob did it not go through?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I got it and posted it in your first post here and also here.

    Congrats again and thanks for sharing!

    Posts: 6443

    Nice pic

    Good work Rob

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105

    very cool story and great bird. I’ve never been that close to a bird that wasn’t dead (close enough to spit on)ususally Thanksgiving or during turkey season when it’s in the back of my truck

    Posts: 2998

    Thanks to everyone for the congrats it was prob one of my most fav turkey hunts to date never had a hen in that close really gets the blood pumping and already cant wait for next season thanks agin to everyone and good luck to those who season is still to come

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Congrats on your tom and way to stick with it!

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Turkey hunting can be very frustrating and discouraging…especially after a miss. Congrats to you on picking yourself up and getting the job done. Nice bird.

    Posts: 2998

    thanks guys hope you guys have a great season

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