Lights Out

  • waterfowler99
    Posts: 1514

    Our 2nd season started yesterday, I had the blind set out since last week and ready to rock. The gobbling was crazy and early…5:23 . I had 2 nice strutters launch with a few hens and stay 125 yds above me and show off all morning never leaving them. Four jakes came right in and all took turns on the DSD breeder and put on a good show. The gobbling ceased at 930 ish. At 10:45 a lone hen came into the deeks and spent the next five hours laying next the breeder and jake preening and napping…kinda cool at 7yds I must say. The rest of the day was uneventful until late in the afternoon when I watched 5 strutters down the valley running hens and strutting until just before dark and took them up to roost. It was along 14 hour sit and I had a decision to make.

    I thought about it last night and made the decision to head out at 4 am and move the set-up where the birds were chasing the night before. The birds gobbled later this morning and alot less, but they were right where I left them. At 5:55 a lone hen landed above me and by 6:05 the 5 longbeards and several more hens hit the field. It took me about 25 minutes to coax the hens down, but when they commited….the toms made a bee-line. The first one made it to the deeks and I let him have a Grim Reaper sandwich ….he made it 25 yds. What a great morning, I couldn’t be happier.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101


    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Congrats on a successful hunt waterfowler!

    Posts: 6443

    Congrats and thanks for sharing

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Congrats!! nice picture

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1008

    Great Bird Congrats on a great hunt

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    Congrats on the succesful hunt…..maybe we should change your signon-name to turkeyhunter99? Awesome! Great work and thanks much for sharing. A bird with a bow is always a challenge, you seem to put up a good number of them! Would love to learn more about your strategy and approach. Any more seasons out ahead of you?


    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    nice!! congrats!!
    way to go on putting the move on them on day 2.

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 428

    Great trophy with a bow.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Congrats WF99!

    Thanks for sharing your hunt with us here @ IDO.

    How do you like your peep on your bow? I saw Steve H have the same one on the other day when I was down there.

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 831


    Posts: 1514


    Congrats on the succesful hunt…..maybe we should change your signon-name to turkeyhunter99? Awesome! Great work and thanks much for sharing. A bird with a bow is always a challenge, you seem to put up a good number of them! Would love to learn more about your strategy and approach. Any more seasons out ahead of you?


    Thanks for the kind words guys!

    I have one more western trip and 3 seasons remaining here in WI. I have been hunting turkeys since I was 12 and only at it with a bow for a couple years now. My thought behind it is I have the mind set that I will get a shot within bow range if I scout the areas and put the time in in the blind. I made the decision to put the gun down for turkeys no matter what…even if it means eating the tag and I have not looked back. I am hooked now, and the sign-on name has to stay—-waterfowl is still #1

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats again on a great bow bird buddy!

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