Turkey sightings

  • sorgy
    Southwestern PA USA
    Posts: 33

    I was out checking the projects today and saw 5 different toms out and about
    On Saturday evening checked out an area for my hunt (E)Saw 1 big flock of jakes and 3 others in the next field
    Patience rules on the public land. Leave the calls at home while scouting 2 guys checking things out for season A calling – waiting 20 seconds no response – start talking- walk 20 yards call again- Repete – just educating the birds
    I will tag along with a friend on Wednesday morning- get there early. Early Worm Gets the Bird

    Good Luck to all


    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Good luck Sorgy and be safe out there.

    Posts: 6441

    Good luck Sorgy

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    to a succesful hunt!

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