I was lucky enough to be able to hunt with my buddy (Brians) 15 year old son Dylan this past weekend for the WI youth hunt.We started out with a couple scouting missions and were very excited to take that knowledge to the woods Saturday (4-10) Knowing we would be tight to the roost spot we got settled in the Covert blind at 530 AM. Only to be disappointed that the tom we were after was not there .
But there were plenty of toms around just nothing as close as I had hoped for.I worked the birds on and off until about 7ish then finally got some to respond the way I had hoped they would only to have the nieghbors sneek in and miss twice and booger the whole deal .Brian had some chores to do in town so we moved the blind and snuck out for the day.
Sunday brought cooler temps and fired up toms.We climbed out of the truck at 513 to a chorus of gobbles .We hurried to the new setup in a wooded draw as the turkeys seem to be spending the majority of their time in the woods.We worked another tom and just couldn’t get him to commit about 730 a decision was made to do a little “running and gunning”.I was a bit worried about leaving the comfort of the blind. But we were willing to gamble.The land we were on is really sweet with a huge snowmobile trail going along the ridgetop We hit that and started to troll(walking and calling). About 100 yards in one of my yelps was answered by multiple toms .Game on!
We kept sneeking and calling to check on them. Finally we got what I thought I was close enough and were looking for a place to set up when I heard pffffffffffffft vrooooooooooooooom I slowly peek over my shoulder to see a tom in full strut 30 yards away in a bit of a swale in the trail. I grab Dylan and sit him down right in the middle of the trail
Brain belly flops behind us
I’m peeking over Dylans should because my face mask is in my pocket
Now i’m imagining theres no way we are going to pull this off I yelp softly and rake the leaves he gobbles in our face and comes up the trail to us and I can tell when Dylan catches sight of him because his breathing picks up (talk about over the shoulder view his barrel is waving around like a wand
).The tom a does a dance in the trail in full strut and gobbles in our face at about 20 yards
I cluck he comes out of strut thats my cue “kill him” I whisper *BOOM* The tom takes off running
*BOOM* still running
*BOOM* barrel roll
Picture time. Dylan got his 1st tom 2 years ago out of a blind
Last year the turkeys won
This year it was out turn again
The tom weighed 21 lbs had a 9 inch beard and 3/4 inch spurs.I’m pretty sure the blind will stay home from now on
What a great start to my turkey season I step up to the plate this Wed (4-14) and can’t wait