Turkey Scouting

  • craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    Since I am new to this game of Hunting Thunder Chickens – How much does one scout before their hunting season. How many days in advance? What calls do you use to locate the birds toward evenings verses early morning? How far away do you set up from the roost’s of these Tom’s? Any info will be helpfull.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Hey Craig…good questions. If you can’t get out to scout a lot, then scout right around your season. If you scout too early the birds may change there habits. I like to get out and scout a couple days before my season so I know where they are roosting and where their strutting zones are.

    There are several locator calls out there, but the ones I use are the owl and crow calls. Very basic calls but they do get the birds to sound off. Early morning and late evening are for the owl call and then the crow call obviously for the mid morning/afternoons.

    As far as setting up goes, the closer to the roost the better I think. The key is to get in early and quiet without the birds knowing you’re there. Set up a couple of days in advance if you can…that way you’re not making a bunch of noise when that day finally arrives!

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