Turkey decoys

  • farmboy1
    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    I may be a little more radical them most, but if someone did something horrible to my kids, I think one day they just may fall off the face of the earth and be unable to be found ever again.

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Got 3 of them within 7 blocks of me.
    and one of them is a I KNOW THAT GUY!!! guy.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya Jon I know what your saying and I had too comment on this subject. How about the ones that have been reported many many times and no one did anything about them, it does happen, don’t kid yourself.

    My daughter ran into one of these skumbags when she was 7 and he was her music teacher in third grade. Even when we reported this guy nothing was done. The police dept. even went to the county attorney and asked for a warrant and was turned down after my daughter and her two friends gave thier discription of what happened at the hospital and right in the classroom right in school. Eventually we had to end up suing to get this guys teaching lisense taken away. Don’t kid yourself, if the brass of the community school system dosen’t want the word to get out, it won’t and they will do anything to hide what happened.

    All this took place with legal proceedings running almost 10 years and our first lawyer saying we should settle out of court, thats right. Instead of getting this out to the public eye he wanted us to settle out of court so it didn’t hit the papers. This guy had over 150 sexual assults in Illinois befor he came here and the Cedar Rapids school system unknowingly hired him. He then sexually assulted 50 kids right in the classroom befor we threated to hire people to picket the school saying there was a pedifile in that school. They told this skumbag S.O.B. that it was in his best interist to retire and didn’t even fire him and to this day hes living off of city retirement.

    In some citys the people running it and calling the shots aren’t white knights in shineing armor and will do anything to keep it hidden. The dangerous ones like this guy was and still is and is considered a serial pedifile ought to be locked up as far back as they can lock them up. The more offenses they make in thier life the harder it is for these guys to respond to help.

    My daughters ok and isn’t suffering from any trama but I don’t want to say here what happened to some of the other kids, to put it lightly she wasen’t on the receiving end of the more serious things he did. This is the kind of thing that makes people kill people and something should be done with multiple offenders for the kids and parents protection, these multiple offenders are the dangerous ones.

    My daughters case hit national news last year because the AP in Chicago heard about it and came and interviewed us. They wanted to tell everything that this guy did but couldn’t because no one here that had any pull ever made an arrest warrant out for him to be arrested, so he was never charged and convicted so in a court of law theres no evidence of past offenses, so he could possibly get some help early on.

    Anyone wanting to see the story can type in my daughters name, Jenna Bramow, her actual name is jennah . You’ll see a picture of her, handing my grandaughter to me, ya thats my mug lol. Professionals say that its not mainly a sex oriented drive that makes them do what they do, its a self control issue on some level.

    Theres a couple guys here on the site that know about this case and its extreemness because I’ve talked to them over the last 3 to 4 years and I appreciate them listening to me while I pulled on thier ear venting, I appreciate it Gary Wellman, hes one hellava Guy and as good of a guy as they come.

    If it wasen’t for me realizing that I might end up in jail causing more harm to my daughter and family I might have done more to settle the score with this guy,,,maybe thats why I didn’t and where laws come in. Anyway these people shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially the multiple offense types, thier dangerous no matter how you look at it.

    There are the types because of the way the laws are written that shouldn’t even be considered sex offenders, 20 to 30 years ago it was excepted, diffrences in age restrictions is one of them, in alot of cases this is very minor. These people aren’t even dangerous, its the ones that like little children that Should be dealt with, if the city officials want to deal with them.

    This is all pretty heavy duty stuff and I know this is a family site and If James wants to deleat my post he can and I totally understand, all this is pretty tramatic on people.

    A drive by these peoples houses just to get a look at them dosen’t hurt to see who they are and remember to tell your kids to watch for stranger danger and to run like the wind no matter what and come home if a stanger approaches them.

    Everythings ok here now and were getting on with our lives so everythings good,,,just try to watch out for your young ones and ask them if everythings ok with thier teachers in school. It dosen’t hurt to go to school and visit with thier teachers eigther. I had to vent on this subject because it happens all over everywhere and when it comes to little kids its important.

    Posts: 730

    Sorry to hear of your experience, but don’t you think a coalition of Dads could create a way tracking, identifying, and putting these perverts away? Such as I suggested? F.A.C.E. (Fathers Against Child Exploitation).
    Whether it be domestic, sexual, or verbal abuse it needs to be monitored. Like I said, our present court system has failed, so let’s do our own thing.

    Rosemount/Isle, MN
    Posts: 173


    Alot of these sex offenders are pretty savvy about switching states, etc. to avoid being tracked.The ones that tick me off also are the “internet pedators” that lure children into the world of porn, etc. And it is a very organized network of these guys that just prey on the young. To me they are the scum of the earth!! I’m getting madder the longer I type this reply.
    One night over a couple of beers, a friend and I discussed starting an organization called FACE (Fathers Against Child Exploitation). We thought that all Dads would eagerly join and support it. Funding through membership fees, etc. to start an independant tracking method of following these creeps. What y’all think? Lord knows our current gov’t can’t keep track of anything.

    P.S. Glad my kids are all safely grown up and on their own.

    I agree with that. Those kind to me are becoming the worst of them all, because you don’t know who they (kids) are talking to. It’s so scary. What do you think of this? P.A.C.E instead of F.A.C.E? (Parents Against Child Exploration) I’m totally against it. I would seriously hurt someone if they touched or hurt my kids.

    Rosemount/Isle, MN
    Posts: 173

    I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter and the other kids. No one should have to go through that or anything like that. I’m glad that everything is fine now.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya I know what your saying and everything ok here around the home front now. Through this whole court thing and all the information we ran across its a very complex subject. Idealy it would be nice if these situations weren’t protected and swept under the table for one reason or another. This isn’t meant to scare anyone and alot of pedafiles are dealt with the way thier supposed to be dealth with. They are arrested, convicted and sent to treatment for thier and societys benefit. Its the inefficent system in some areas that doesn’t investigate reports, the ones that get investigated are usually prosecuted and those people get treatment.

    I don’t know if theres a surefire way of tracking these people without laws being passed so they all have to wear monitoring devices. Theres no way of keeping track of these people unless they have to wear these devices and it can’t be forced upon them unless the court system makes them.

    A nationwide system set up by indivuals would be a good place to start but they have to be convicted first other wise its harrasment. Even if they are convicted its hard for them to be made to wear any tracking device without court say so. When we talked to our second lawyer she said thats its very discourageing but it happens alot and it happens everywhere. There should be no protection from the public finding out about everyone of these people, in other words money for lawyers, the areas reputation is at stake, polititions reputations at stake, theres alot of situations where they just sweep things like this under the table for one reason or another. Even with mandatory reporting of a person that does this that dosen’t mean its going any further then what the lawyers work out with the judge.

    What we (do) need is a system that when any children are assulted, 12 to 14 and under, they are automatically investigated, prosicuted and sent to treatment or jail then treatment depending on how sever the assult. The way I mean this is everyone in law enforcement and including the county attorney has a set of mantatory rules to follow and if they (don’t) they are fired from thier job. This will make it easier to get these people treatment to make society a safer place.

    I don’t think anyone wants to force our law and investigation system into doing anything but it seems to me that our present laws aren’t working good enough. One of the things thats inadequet now is all this is left up to the county attorney of each county. If he dosen’t want to do anything about it for one reason or another, the citys system and thier interists, things won’t go any further then his desk. Thats whats happened in my daughters case, in other words if the county attorney dosen’t make out an arrest warrant then nothing can be done, not even the police can do anything.

    We need an automatic system set up for kids under 12 no matter what, not left up to the discetion of the county attorneys thoughts. If the county attorney has friends in the city that say hide this thing and fast then nothing gets done to protect other children from future assults. It has to be law and mandatory or they will be automatically fired no matter for what reason. When they find if this person is innocent or guilty then they can do whats needed, but we need a mandatory system to force them into doing this, nothing else is going to get them to do anything if they aren’t made to do it if they decide against it.

    A nationwide system set up by the public, unless they are found guilty first by a court of law would be a posse procedure and thats not accepted by law and its not safe for anyone innocent. Our present system is ok but to get to a point where its very effecient the public officials and our law dept. half to be forced into a mandatory system and not left up to thier discrection, thats the only way I and alot of other people see it. If there is a better way Id sure like to hear about it. If these people are made to do thier jobs if they don’t want to then they will.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    Wkw, your idea is admirable but Mossydan is right. Gathering information on people and publicly posting it would be harrassment. The information you gather would have to be underground, you’d not only have to track the individuals as a group, you’d also have to police them yourselves. The information you gather could never be made public, where it would truly be beneficial.

    It would be better use of energy and resources to develop a movement to establish better laws, tougher penalties, and better methods of tracking.

    Mossydan’s message, while tragic, also makes a good point not to take justice into your own hands. Imagine this happening to a son or daughter. Would you really go out and do the things people have posted on this site? So now you’re child has to go through life dealing with these issues but also has to do it without a father, who’s in jail.

    Thanks for sharing Mossydan and sorry you and your family had to go through this. If any good can be found here, perhaps your experiences and advice will encourage people to act in a manner that will affect real change.


    Posts: 730

    I guess I was thinking more on the lines of an independant agency working within the laws to assist the gov’t in keeping better tabs on these individuals and also lobbying for new and better laws to put these creeps away. As Brad said, the guy moved from Ill. and got hired by the school.
    I bet I know why he moved. Where was the background check ?
    I did’nt mean to “spy” on them and run their name up a flagpole, but it being proven day in and day out that the gov’t can’t handle the job!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12375

    In about 2 weeks I’m going to be hunting in Central Minnesota ( With shotgun )I’m thinking of picking up a few decoys. My ? is if you are only getting 2 what would you get? 2 hens, 1 Hen and a jake, 1 tom and 1 hen? What brand should I take a look at ( I’d like something light and easily packabe ) When using a decoy how do you set them? Facing what direction, How close to each other, How close to you sitting position do you set them. Any Tips or additional Info. that you care to share would be great. Thanks in advance for you responses

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with the new Flambeau Masters series decoys. They are light, portable and the heads are very realistic. You can purchase them separate or buy the breeding flock which contains two hens and one jake.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338


    In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with the new Flambeau Masters series decoys. They are light, portable and the heads are very realistic. You can purchase them separate or buy the breeding flock which contains two hens and one jake.

    Here is the link to their website!


    Posts: 1137

    I mostly use decoys if I’m hunting a field/open area. Woods no decoy (I feel safer) I have the Delta set of 2 hens and a jake, most of the time I just put out one hen and jake, I put them out about 25 yds from me and the hen closer to me and fix the jake (so it doesn’t spin) facing me and the hen decoy, about 15 ft apart. The reason I face the jake towards me and the hen decoy is a bowhunters trick, if you get handcuffed and can’t get the gun up in time the tom will go beak to beak with the jake and strut, with his tail fanned he cannot see directly behind him so you can move to get the shot or draw a bow. it has worked for me many times.

    And just to let you know you will get all kinds of opinions on how to set out your decoys and what kind of decoys to get. Experience will tell you what works.

    Good luck

    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    asked this same question at my daughters learn to hunt class and got two different answers for the jake, the hen was always facing you at 15-20yds but one response on the jake was to face away so you will have a head on shot when the tom confronts it, and the other was to face the jake at you like garvi said to bring the tom around to it and allow you to get ready

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338


    the other was to face the jake at you like garvi said to bring the tom around to it and allow you to get ready

    I have to agree with garvi…I’ve always had the Jake facing my direction. That way the tom will confront the jake head on which means he is not looking in your direction. It’s not 100% of the time but most of the time they will! And that is especially key when hunting with a bow!

    Posts: 1137

    I don’t hunt them with a bow (not yet anyway) But I have heard the butt shot is also the best bow shot to take, Is that true??

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    I too have heard that, but all the birds I’ve taken with a bow (2 of them) have been from the side.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I would like to hear Joel’s take on this, but I’ve read that the sphincter shot is a good place to kill a bird.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    In about 2 weeks I’m going to be hunting in Central Minnesota ( With shotgun )I’m thinking of picking up a few decoys. My ? is if you are only getting 2 what would you get? 2 hens, 1 Hen and a jake, 1 tom and 1 hen? What brand should I take a look at ( I’d like something light and easily packabe ) When using a decoy how do you set them? Facing what direction, How close to each other, How close to you sitting position do you set them. Any Tips or additional Info. that you care to share would be great. Thanks in advance for you responses

    When it comes to decoys, I’ll just offer up my observations. There’s alot of folks that would disagree with me, but this is just what I’ve seen. So much matters on a number of factors:

    • Breeding Phase/Time of Year – Time of year has been crucial to the success of decoys I’ve placed. Early has been far better than late for me. Earlier, I’m more apt to place out toms and/or jakes in threatening poses with hens. Early, competition is fierce and there’s alot of jockeying for position amongst the flock hierarchy. Later, not only have their been a good share of birds that have been beat down, you’ve also had birds that may have been decoyed before.
    • Style of Hunting – Run ‘n Gun isn’t made for piles of decoys almost by definition. If you like to move and reposition quite a bit, you won’t have many decoys with. Mobility can be key, esp. late season, which is why I rarely carry them then unless bowhunting.
    • Weapon – I’ll almost always use them with a bow – mostly to keep their eyes off of me when I draw. Even well concealed in a blind it’s tough if they’re looking right at you. Either way I keep the dekes close. With a gun, I’ll rarely use them. They limit my mobility far too much.
    • Placement – I’m becoming a bigger fan of hiding the dekes near field edges in tall grass/brush. Their eyes are great. Put them in the wide open in front of god and everyone and the birds can study them a bit much for my liking.
    • Let them tell you what to use – I usually start aggressive and really study the reaction of the birds to the decoys. Any negative reaction (you’ll know these when you see them!) and I start to subdue my spread or remove it.

    Like I said, I know guys that won’t hunt without them, or guys that love decoys so much they mount a fall hen to use as a decoy. I’ve had too many instances where even the best looking decoys will cause birds to hangup or spook.


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    I would like to hear Joel’s take on this, but I’ve read that the sphincter shot is a good place to kill a bird.

    I’ve killed far more with a gun than bow, and there’s some really good archery turkey hunters on here, so I’d like to hear their opinions too.

    Some guys like the full-strut sphincter shot, but I prefer an out-of-strut walking away shot. The entire spine is exposed as a target, which if you even clip a bit will render the bird recoverable. The real beauty of this shot is that your yardages don’t come into play as much. Misjudge distance too near or far and you’re still going to hit spine if you’re steady left/right.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Great discussion there Joel.

    On TV and Videos I often see other Archers favor that walking away out of strut shot also.

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