2010 Roost and Fly-down Times

  • Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100


    Wind was howling pretty good where I was at. Did some scouting for a buddy of mine I am taking tomorrow morning. Not a sound from the roost. First gobbles were when they hit the ground at 6:10. 2 Strutters came right in to within 2 yards of where I was set up. Hopefully they will do the same tomorrow. WOW! I have never been that close to Gobbling Toms! What a great morning. I should have brought the camera.

    I love it when you can feel that gobble more than you can hear it!

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374



    Wind was howling pretty good where I was at. Did some scouting for a buddy of mine I am taking tomorrow morning. Not a sound from the roost. First gobbles were when they hit the ground at 6:10. 2 Strutters came right in to within 2 yards of where I was set up. Hopefully they will do the same tomorrow. WOW! I have never been that close to Gobbling Toms! What a great morning. I should have brought the camera.

    I love it when you can feel that gobble more than you can hear it!

    That is the best

    Central WI
    Posts: 594



    Wind was howling pretty good where I was at. Did some scouting for a buddy of mine I am taking tomorrow morning. Not a sound from the roost. First gobbles were when they hit the ground at 6:10. 2 Strutters came right in to within 2 yards of where I was set up. Hopefully they will do the same tomorrow. WOW! I have never been that close to Gobbling Toms! What a great morning. I should have brought the camera.

    I love it when you can feel that gobble more than you can hear it!

    No doubt that is the best. If you can feel the drummin’ & spittin’, you know they are right on top of you.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337




    Wind was howling pretty good where I was at. Did some scouting for a buddy of mine I am taking tomorrow morning. Not a sound from the roost. First gobbles were when they hit the ground at 6:10. 2 Strutters came right in to within 2 yards of where I was set up. Hopefully they will do the same tomorrow. WOW! I have never been that close to Gobbling Toms! What a great morning. I should have brought the camera.

    I love it when you can feel that gobble more than you can hear it!

    No doubt that is the best. If you can feel the drummin’ & spittin’, you know they are right on top of you.

    Hope you enjoyed it, because the next time you go with a weapon, that won’t happen!

    Posts: 6441

    Naw he will be ok as long as he doesnt go with you Mike

    Central WI
    Posts: 594


    Naw he will be ok as long as he doesnt go with you Mike

    Yeah, after last year, not sure if I want him tagging along with me. He’s bad luck.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    Naw he will be ok as long as he doesnt go with you Mike

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337



    Naw he will be ok as long as he doesnt go with you Mike

    Yeah, after last year, not sure if I want him tagging along with me. He’s bad luck.

    Posts: 6441

    1st gobble 522 fly down 558

    Last gobble 830 wind sucked

    But why would it be any different than the other 3 days this season

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    1st gobble 5:34 and flew right over us at 6:03 right into the hens down the field from us. Lots of gobbles up to 8:30 then quite until 9:30….just before I got called into work . Hope I can hunt all day tomorrow.

    Posts: 6441

    1st gobble 513 (maybe sooner thats when we got there) fly down 601

    set up on a big group 4 gobblers some jakes and hens about 615 it was all quiet couldnt find any that wanted to play

    Posts: 6441

    1st gobble 515

    flydown 545

    clean miss 600

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    We continue to be a tad later – first gobble around 5:25 this AM and flydown pretty quick thereafter. Not much gobbling on the limb this morning.


    Posts: 6441

    1st gobble 514

    Flydown 540

    Lots of gobbles until I left at 6

    I like our chances tomorrow

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Make sure to put out lots of dekes Pat!

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 32

    first gobble: 520 am
    Fly down: 533
    Gobbling continued until 605 and then they shut up

Viewing 16 posts - 31 through 46 (of 46 total)

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