Bluff Country Question

  • WindyRidgeLabs78
    Posts: 57

    I have hunted the Winona bluff country for the past ten years. I have noticed several differences in regards to hunting the tops and bottoms of the bluffs. We normally hunt the top and have had luck pulling them out of the side hills but it seems to be getting more difficult every year. I have had success on the bottom of the bluffs but the most success I have had has been going into the bluffs and setting up close to them. What tactics do some of you use in bluff country?
    Thanks guys!

    Posts: 6441

    Scout,scout, scout… The best way to kill a tom is to be where he wants to be.I would watch them and see where they spend the most time and set up there This will change from season to season even day to day So it can be a guessing game Good Luck

    Posts: 711

    i hunt the bluff’s around weaver, i mainly stick to the tops, when the hunting tends to get a little tough i like to go in to the woods and find a nice point to set up on.
    i’ve had good sucsess doing this.

    Posts: 57

    Thanks guys for the input, I was just curious what some other techniques are. I have never really tried the sneak and listen way, I guess I have always just moved along and every 100 yds or so tried to get a shock gobble or tried to see if there was an agressive bird in the area with a few yelps. It does seem to me that the birds are more willing to come up top as the day progresses, and occassionally I can pull one out early in the A.M. But as said before it can vary year to year and day to day, but I do know after a nice rain the birds are almost guaranteed to come out on top, I have seen that religiously. Anyways season is almost upon us!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Great post Windy!

    Posts: 1137

    I have a tendency to be in the valleys when you have the strong spring winds and the tops more on the calm days. Just seems to be where I end up

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