What’s the Best Mouth Call?

  • Anonymous
    Posts: 0

    Just doing a survey on what is the best mouth call out there. Please comment

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Primo’s Sonic Dome! Very easy to use!

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 200


    Primo’s Sonic Dome! Very easy to use!

    Totaly agree with ya there!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22711

    I have a Quaker Boy.. not sure what model or anything, but even I can call a turkey in with it Haven’t done it while hunting yet, but I can bring em to my yard, from the deck

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3376

    Primos True Tripple for me , “not easy for a starter to learn on but I love it ” Seems to really the hens off and call them big old call shy Toms in

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 756

    I honestly think paying the extra money to get a hand stretched custom call is worth the $. Woodhaven, and Heartland calls, are some that I’ve used. Heard good things about Illusion and Tom Teasers but haven’t tried them.

    Posts: 1137

    Just pulling mine out of my coat pocket and they are Knight and Hale’s #KH011 & #KH013

    I bought them for last season and still sound like I just took them out of the package

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    Just doing a survey on what is the best mouth call out there. Please comment

    Great topic, both in terms of the question, and in terms of the varied responses. Regarding the wide array of favorites with so-far a fairly small group, I think it speaks volumes as to how each of our mouths/palettes, styles of calling, and ears pick out a “favorite” mouth-call. I know I still search for a true favorite, and probably always will, though I have a few that I really like.

    Over the years, I’ve found that there are a few mfrs. calls that I can barely make a convincing turkey sound with, and others whose calls seem to fit my mouth better. I like alot of the custom hand-stretched calls out there too, but my only complaint is that I go through them quickly (chew them up), and they sometimes don’t fit well. Meaning I’m out a bigger chunk of change. It also means I could’ve tried 2-3 different cuts/different calls for the price of one custom call.

    Right now, for my mouth, I’m a fan of the Quaker Boy Screamin’ Green Series. I carry a World Champ, Hecklin Hen, Nasty Old Hen. I also have a Classic V-Lite. I’ve got a Primos Diamond Cutter, and an old Woodhaven Jim Pollard Signature Series that I like too.

    Each of those calls mimics some portions of the turkey’s repertoire better than others, but most of the aggressive cut diaphragms will cutt and cackle well. I like the simpler cuts for soft clucks and purrs in general.

    It’s a process which unfortunately requires you to buy and try. The good part is that it’s fun!


    Posts: 6443

    Primos Diamond Cutter also one of my favorites

    The problem with buy and try is once you use a mouth call they are really hard to sell

    Southwestern PA USA
    Posts: 33

    Funny I came across this thread after going thru all of my calls this afternoon 6 slate/ pot calls w/ numerous strikers on each 3 box calls and digging thru my mouth calls. My neibors must love me

    Back to the diaphram calls. I have tried many calls and for years i could not get a call to purr. Last year I tried the H.S. calls and found that they fit me well and I could purr on 3 of them. the Stagger 3, 4 and the Fang. The Cutting 2.5 not a purr at all. I have kept them in the freezer and all of the reeds seemed to be stuck together. I get them unstuck and they seem to stick back together again. I end up buying; like many of you guy’s several calls a year
    Without buying online is there a store in the metro area that carried more than the Primos, HS, Knight and hale mout calls- Oh yeah the newcomer in the game flextone? I had a MAD call that I liked years ago.
    Joel- how about a breakdown on the types of cutts and what kind of calls typically can be made with the different cutts? Maybee something you can chew on for a while— pun intended
    I have been looking for the Quaker Boy calls and have not seen them in G.M or F.F.



    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    I’ve been a fan of the Primos calls for years…but this year I changed to the Quaker Boy Screamin’ Green Calls. These calls in my opinion offer greater volume and I like the raspier sounds these calls produce. Thanks Joel for the advice!

    But what works for me won’t necessarily work for another, so you’ll have to experiment with different calls. Use what you are confident in and what gives you the best results in the field.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    Is it just me or does it happen to everyone? I’ll find a good call and go to get a new one the next year and cant find one. It seems like they quite making them. The one in particular i was looking for was a quaker boy screamin green that had 2 or 3 reeds in and one of them had like 3 half diamonds cut in to them.

    Happens to all of us! Typically, it’s because of the distributor/retailer game and how popular it was one year in one location vs. how many extra they had to sell out. If retailers don’t make their marks with a call, no matter how well it works, they quit carrying it.

    I’ve been doing more of my shopping online from the mfr. for that reason when it comes to mouth calls especially. If it’s a call I really like, I make sure to get a couple of them.

    The call you’re describing sounds alot like the Jagged Edge call in screamin’ green. Two very similar calls that I like just as well or better are the Screamin’ Green Hecklin’ Hen or the Screamin’ Green Nasty Old Hen. The Jagged Edge is still offered, but this year it seems only in the foam fit version or in the Gobblin’ Fever 4-pack. That 4 pack has 2-3 of my favorite calls that QB makes!


    sw wi
    Posts: 488

    sonic dome for me too for a novice like myself these calls stay in position very well, I’m always fighting and gagging to try and get the traditional flat calls to fit right in my mouth

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    i have used a lot of different brands that have fooled toms – primos, hs strut, mad, quaker boy, the old ray eye series, pittman, knight and hale and others i cant recall …

    but like i have mentioned in other threads, i always have a mad high ball and an hs raspy old hen as my go-to mouth calls. not saying they are the best, just the two i like the best. i like having something high pitched and something raspy.

    i also will try out a new one or two each season.

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