florida turkey hunt wanted any info would be grear

  • Jason McVay
    Mt. Vernon, IA
    Posts: 31

    im lookn for a place to hunt turkeys in south florida any info would be great

    Posts: 6441

    Welcome to iDo ohio turkey

    Hopefully someone will chime in soon with a contact I don’t have any in FL

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Welcome to IDO ohio turkey!

    I don’t have any info on those Osceola Birds either. Hopefully someone will.

    Posts: 222

    Most out of State hunters go to north or central Florida. Not sure about the lower third of the state. We leave in 8 days for our Osceola hunt, but we are only going two hours south past the NWTF’s Magic Imaginary line.


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Good luck Chris, wish you guys the best! Come back with a good story or two!


    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Guess I read this some time ago and the southern FL kept me quiet. Here is a guy’s email address in Central FL that may have ideas for u either through him or otherwise.

    Dave Markett has guided us twice in central FL fishing. He is active in the guides association as well.

    [email protected]


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