MN results are out

  • jesse
    Posts: 405

    Too bad there isn’t something that can be done to prevent or lessen the effects of winterkill. There is some stocking done to those lakes, and i am sure there is nice fish to be had too!

    Posts: 38

    Hope some folks can get in on a little action and good eating on those lakes

    But winterkill isn’t really a bad thing on some shallow lakes. They are often good waterfowl lakes if they are shallow, and winterkills help keep down rough fish, if it kills good enough, which in turn help the lake waterfowl wise. Carp and bullheads are horrible for a waterfowl lake. Not sure of all those lakes, just saying that winterkill is good on some lakes.

    Stay warm, and good luck!


    Posts: 785

    heres a quote from someone on the lake
    I live on Fremont and I’m the VP of the lake association. I’ve been here for 5 years and have never seen anything like this. I went to the north end last night and it looked like something out of a horror movie. Tons and tons of carp and bullheads. We wanted to have a carp shoot this fall or spring, so I guess this is doing the work for us. Sad part is to see the crappies and pike there too. I tell ya, there are some HUGE shiners in the mix too. Some are palm-size! The dept of fisheries was out last Friday and they did some surveying of the lake for O2 levels. We did everything we were supposed to do this year and for some reason this happened. We have an aeration system in place to combat this, and it’s working fine. The DNR doesn’t expect this to be a total kill. They think the pike and crappies will survive. Somehow they find a way to make it. PLEASE, if you decide to come by, pick up after yourself. We have lots of visitors coming in spearing and netting and they’re making a HUGE mess. I understand that nature will take it’s course, but come on, it’s disgusting! There are literally thousands of fish left smashed and bloodied all over the ice and the road. I take my kids out snowmobiling and fishing and they don’t need to see all of that. We pray that the populations will survive and that this just weeds out our rough fish problem.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Anyone else? Joel?

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats C W! I drew a tag as well for Zone 249 A! Now I just have to find a mature tom that hangs out with a 150 inch buck!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Congrats C W! I drew a tag as well for Zone 249 A! Now I just have to find a mature tom that hangs out with a 150 inch buck!

    Man would that be a match made in heaven! Very rare to get a two for one deal when hunting.

    I was drawn for “B” season, now to find the time to hunt. I’ll be helping the old man get the crops in this year quite a bit more than most years, so I’ve got a feeling I’m going to be running ragged towards the end of Oct!


    Posts: 6441


    Congrats C W! I drew a tag as well for Zone 249 A! Now I just have to find a mature tom that hangs out with a 150 inch buck!

    supposed to shoot hens in the fall to make less competition for us in the spring

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 200

    Got drawn for 466 A with a friend and my girlfriend which will be here first time hunting. Hopefully she pounds a good one.

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