spurs ??

  • lick
    Posts: 6441

    looking for a neat way to display spurs any ideas????

    Posts: 33

    Not too long ago in a field and stream there was an article about making coat hooks with the feet. but other than that i can think of anything that would be good.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    I saw an old-time hunter that had them on a necklace like others have done with a shark tooth. He just sawed the part of the leg off that held the spur, dried it, then put a string or wire or leather through it. He had the entire necklace (probably a more manly word) full of spurs. It was pretty bada$$

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    How about glue them on the back of your favorite cowboy boots…. Sorry couldn’t resist….

    Posts: 6441


    How about glue them on the back of your favorite cowboy boots…. Sorry couldn’t resist….

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Gut here is what I do with mine along with the beard. I cut the leg bone off above and below the spur leaving about 1 1/4″ of leg bone. Then boil these and remove all skin, marrow and pull off outside of spur. Scrape out the inside of the spur and fill with Borox, set aside for a week to dry and then slip spur back over bone with a little glue. The beard is also covered with borox for a week too. Then cut the plastic off of your shotshell, knock out “already fired” primer. Pull out all of plastic in brass base. I then make a loop with rawhide, tuck each end into primer hole and tie a knot. Then hot glue your beard into the base of shotshell. I’ll take a pic and post it in a bit. There are many ways to display them but this is what I choose. Randy

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Gut, This is how I do mine. I see my leg bone is closer to 1″.

    Posts: 6441

    thats pretty cool thanks randy

    Posts: 57

    What exactly was the process to getting the spurs to look like that? Obviously you cut them at about 1″, did you ground out the inside of the bone and let it soak in some solution? Just curious, I really like that idea!

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