friday may 15th was the start of the turkey season for my son and I. i could not get off work my son was bumbed out. went to work and busted my
to get work done (had to keep the IDO visits to a minimum) any way was able to get out of work at 2:30 so i called jimmy at home and told him to be ready. after i got home and we got all geared up we headed for the woods. this was a new spot for me and had never been there before. after ariving at the farm and having a little chat with the farmer off we went in to the woods with no clue were to go. we came across a nice little opening in the woods so i thought that wood be a good spot to start, we put out the decoys, set up the COVERT ground blind, i must say this is a very impressive little hooch, plenty of room for the 2 of us, easy to set up, lots of windows, the carring bag that comes with it is big enough so you don’t have to fight with it to get it in the bag, and it carries very comfotable on the back. the weather was cloudy and the slights bit of rain.
we got set up by 5:00 and i started doing some calling, when i hunt a new area i am not familiar with i like to start out with a mouth call and i call as loud as i can (i want every bird in the woods to know were i am) so after a few ear piercing calls the tom’s were responding (numerous gobbles from differant diections) i continued to call VERY sparingly yet very loud. after a short period of silance jimmy looks to the left (his side of the blind) and says “theres 2 turkeys, no 3, no 4” i could not see them yet so i asked him if any had beards, he said 2 did, as they got closer i could see 3 of the 4 2 jakes and one nice tom. i told him the one had a nice beard and that was the one to shoot. he was leading the pack, as they got close to the decoys one of the jakes ran past the the big tom so i was telling him to shoot the second one, shoot the second one. BANG bird down, the other birds scattered so i was not able to get a shot. (it wasn’t about me any way) jimmy sat there in disbielf for a moment then the whooping and high fives started. we went out to retrieve his bird, i looked at my watch 5:25. we took a few pic’s (sorry they’re not very good my camera sucks) and went back in to the blind. now it’s my turn to sit in the shooters chair, now it’s a steady rain coming down. as we’re sitting in the blind staying dry chit chatting and i ask him “so what think of this blind” he says ” if we had some sandwitches this would be realy cool” tipical 17 yr old, always food. we did see 2 other turkeys that evening but the woods is pritty thick right know.
P.S. Jimmy’s first turkey
21 lbs. 3 oz.
10.5 in. beard
15/16 in. spers