Two more hit the Ground last night!

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Two more Wisconsin birds hit the ground last night after a very tough 5th season. I only had two days plus a couple hours on Friday evening for my season. After being faced with a ton of bad luck, bad timing, some learning, and some herendous conditions on Saturday, Brad and I split up last night to drop the on two birds in the last little bit remaining of our season. We were able to capture both them on film.

    This was my first WI bird and I do not think it will be my last.

    Look for a report up in a few days after we try to get some rest and get caught up with our lives.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Nice job fellas! I see you had better luck in WI than we did in MN! Zero birds were seen on stand! Anyway, looking forward to the report and footage of the hunts!

    Posts: 6443

    congrats you guys

    i also had a ton of bad luck this week funny how they can make you look like a rookie even after 15 years hunting them i was telling joel some of my stories he said a rookie turkey hunter would have quit

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats boys!!

    Were they both killed with stick and string?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Thanks Guys!

    No Steve, going into the final night and having a very tough couple days we opted for some insurance. I could have shot at my bird with my bow as it was @ 18 yards in the dekes. We had some real cool encounters and footage, but just could not seal the deal until the bottom of the ninth. Brad and I both learned a ton of things about filming and videoing turkey hunts. Not to mention I learned a ton from Brad and G about Turkey Hunting in general. Good Times with Good Friends is what it is all about.

    We are on a learn as we go program with this filming thing.

    If you guys could have seen the Chinese Fire Drill we ran on Sunday morning, it was priceless. I’m still chuckling about it.

    Also next Fall, when I’m deer hunting I’m throwing out Turkey Dekes.

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    congrats on your birds! way to stick with it after dealing with some miserable weather. Our luck in MN ran out…no birds on the property we hunted. Beautiful land, but no birds. One more weekend chasing birds and then I can concentrate on fishing again!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    Not a good weekend up by the pond for turkey hunting…. 30+ mph sustained winds all day saturday, meant no blind time for me… They actually cancelled the MTT on Mille Lacs, because of the rough waters saturday. I did go out saturday, later in the day and did some locating calls, nothing. I belive the calls were being blown straight east…. Sunday morning was no better, but at least I got out….


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    Can’t wait to hear the stories guys! Tough to make it come together at the end, esp. for two birds!

    Good work, and I’ll talk to you soon.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Rob put a turkey diaphram in your cheek too as soon as you hit the woods. If you use decoys and a diaphram the deer will feel more then comfortable. Except for smell thier the eyes of the woods, fool them and you’ll fool the deer. A diaphrams save me from being seen a few times.

    durand WI
    Posts: 317

    Lip I sure hope it’s not as hard as this every time, but I had a lot of fun. I also learned a lot about turkey hunting–its difficult to bring in unresponsive birds. Sorry I couldn’t get one to come in for your bow. It probably was a wise choice to leave Brad and me so you could actually kill a bird. Thanks for letting me tag along, you too Brad. Hope to see you next season.

    And I think we were pretty good at the Chinese Fire Drill too!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Congrats guys lets see some pics

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Thanks G! The fire drill was an instant classic. We got caught moving our blind in the morning. Now remind you it is not just a blind. It is a HUGE blind the new Covert prototype (which is awesome by the way), 2 cameras & gear, shot gun, bow, 5 decoys, 3 chairs, etc. It looked like a bomb hit our original set up as stuff was everywhere in the field. We had stuff spread out the whole 200 yards of the field edge. Then we took off into the woods after them and still had stuff everywhere. Trying to sneak in the woods with 3 guys and camera gear is not easy trust me.

    Protour, hopefully Brad will have our report done today. But, I know he is behind as he was out there all last week and needed to get caught up at work and home!

    Western, Ky
    Posts: 58

    Sweet!!! Look 4ward to the pics..or vids!

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