• les_welch
    Posts: 1007

    To my wife and all of the rest out there who it applies to!

    Zone 4, 4th period report.

    Due to having no way to get the kids off to school, the first 3 days of the season we were unable to hunt. Saturday morning we were only able to hunt 8:00, as my wife and kids were doing a 2 mile walk in the park to benefit Epilepsy, and I was doing a 5K race to benefit the Lutheran Social Serivces, both of which started at 10:00

    I hadn’t had the chance to do any scouting since first season, and we were hunting public land, like always. I decided to head to an area that seems to hold birds more and more, as the season progresses. It is a good hike frmom the road, and the birds seem to get pushed in there, by those who hunt the road edges.

    We had 3 birds gobbling off the roost, so we started to go towards the nearest, about 3/8 mile away. We had only covered about 200 yards, when a 4th gobbled, about 250 yards away. Change of plans! We headed back up the hill and towards him. One really nice thing, later in the season, the cover. I like to get close. Next time he gobbled he was about 75 yards. We instantly stopped, and I took a chance and set up the blind. My wife is very proficient with a bow, but the gun is not as familiar to her, so I thought the blind would allow her a little movement, etc. Within 5 minutes of getting the blind up, the Tom was gobbling, spitting, drumming, all only 15 yards away. I whispered multiple times to shoot, but she whispered back she was to shaky, and she couldn’t see him real well. There were a few black berry briars between us. He finally got a little nervous, and headed off. We headed towards where the other birds had been gobbling, just to get a look at the area for future reference. Then we were off to the races. End of day 1 for our two morning turkey hunt.

    We headed back this morning to the same area, hoping that the Tom would again be in that general area. With it being mothers day, we would hunt until 10:00 at latest. Blind was set up before daylight, and then we waited, and waited, and waited. Finally about 20 minutes later than normal the first gobbles rang out. 2 down in the swamp again. Then “our” Tom from the day before, about 300 yards away. This was to far for these big woods birds, so I elected to move, and cut the distance in half, he was still in the tree, although it was broad daylight. We got to where I wanted to go, and stopped, after standing about 10 seconds, a bird busted out of the trees from right overhead. Couldn’t tell if it was a Tom or hen. There was no vocal noise, it just up and flew out. Only being about 100-150 yards from the Tom, I figured that would be trouble. We waited about 15 minutes and he never gobbled again. 2 birds down in the swamp were still gobbling. Then we heard him fly down. Being that he hadn’t gobbled in over 20 minutes, I knew if he came it would be silently. We waited and watched close for 20 minutes, nothing. The birds in the swamp were now getting farther away, and only one was gobbling. With circumstances the way they were, it was time to take a chance. I knew the close tom, could be working us silently, but we had to go after the vocal one. We close up the blind, threw the seats beside it, and took off. Runnin’ and Gunnin’, my kind of hunting. We beat feet about 250 yards, and tried to get a gobble, nothing. We went about 200 more yards, and got an answer, about 350 yards away. I decided to set there and play it our for a few minutes, as it was fairly open hardwoods. After about 5 minutes, I knew he was not moving towards us, so up and closer we went. When we were within about 250 yards he gobbled again. We had a ridge between us, so we went towards him, at a run. He was no over the ridge, about 125 yards from us. My wife sat in front of a huge Elm, I put the dekes behind her about 10 yards, and offset about 5 yards. I went behind the dekes about 15 yards. So the calls would be coming from about 25 yards behind the Benelli SBE. At the first call he lit up. Then he gobbled about twice a minute for the next 6-8 minutes. I could also hear him spit and drumming, no visual yet. He was just moving back and forth paralleling the ridge, strutting, just out of sight. He was hot, but holding his ground. It was time to play dirty . Out come the gobble shaker, and I gave it the wimpiest, baby sounding gobble I could muster, almost laughing to myself. Boy, did that light a fire. He was now gobbling, and moving towards the front of us at a slight angle. In about another 20 seconds, I could see a big light bulb coming through the woods. He was spitting, drumming, in strut doing his pretty little posture walk. He could see the hen and Jake decoys, and was about 40 yards from the gun. Inside of 60 yards he did everything but gobble. He spit, he drum, he full fanned, he fanned and walked in 1/2 circles. Now he is at 30 yards just putting on a show! Big rope beard hanging down, this time of year, there isn’t a better show on earth! Still fanning he closed the distance, now inside of 20 yards. BOOM, he hit the ground, and not a bit of movement. Winchester Supreme High Velocity #6’s, out of a Undertaker choked Benelli Super Black Eagle. Lights out at 15 yards. All this as the rain was coming down. What trip.

    Stats are 21# 6 oz, 10.5″ beard, and 1 1/8″ spurs. What a great hunt.

    Posts: 6443

    ok after a little fri afternoon scouting we found a place to set up with in shooting distance of the “spot” in the “bull pen” after numerous days of battle with the 3 toms that rule the bull pen we put it together today snuck in early and wow were we surrounded not alot of gobbling but the hens were unreal yelping clucking cackling purring it was crazy hind sight being 20-20 i should have grabbed the covert and set it up but we went for it blindless bad move when your surrounded by turkeys and they are coming from all directions and we have a small rise 30 yards in front of us i am embarrassed by how many times i got busted these hens were mad at me for being in there spot anyhow after many close encounters a lone tom and a hen came down the hill from behind us just over the crest and gobbled at less than 20 yards only to have the hen putt and move away (i may have moved) with him following as im trying to turn to get him the mrs says i see tails turn around so i slowly turn my head “PUTT” busted again they come out of strut and try to sneak away but not so fast they are inside of 45 yards i raise my gun heads come up i pick one bam game over then turkeys scatter everywhere what crazy morning we were covered up with turkeys from the get go so after we packed up we went and got the covert and will be back in the am as the mrs is still carrying a tag there was 3000 still available but i passsed now will there be no turkeys or if i got the boss will the ones left be going crazy i cant wait to find out

    weight 20.8
    beard 9 15/16
    spurs 1 inch

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    somebody has to finish last in the photo contest, it will be me this year.
    on turkey 1 i forgot the camera; on tom 2 it started raining and was pouring by the time i got back to the truck. and i dont do back of the truck, driveway or garage photos any more.

    anyway … my first bird this year was a testament to never giving up. set up early on a big flock and there must have been a dozen gobblers but there were so many hens couldnt break a tom away no matter what i tried.

    passed on several jakes, including one right off the end of the gun barrel. did some hoofin to head off the flock and had 2 beard-draggin toms within 60 yards, but the hens moseyed off and so did they. let another jake walk.

    kept at it, striking gobbles and pullin a couple others close but no shots. started headin back toward the truck about noon and struck what i thought was a gobble way off in the distance. called again and he answered a little closer, still a good 200 yards away. so i moved 50 yards closer, called again and he cut loose about 100 yards away.

    but a hen started cutting like mad between us. i kept cutting, too, and the tom gobbled over the crest of the hill about 50 yards away … right where the hen was. i was not in a good setup – thick brush everywhere, but i cutt again, the hen popped up about 15 yards away and the gobbler exploded about 25 yards away but still over the crest of the hill.

    thought i was busted for sure and sure enough the hen putted a couple of times as she walked past me. at the same time i see a white head bobbin among the multiflora rose but i didnt have a shot and he drops strut and disappears when the hen putts.

    again, i thought i was finished but did a soft purr on the power crystal, the hen came back yelping softly, the tom stepped out 15 yards away, boom, game over.

    weighed 23, 9 inch thick beard (front, right center) and inch spurs. the beard left center, was a double bearded jake that took 10 minutes off the roost the last day i could hunt on that permit before heading off on a walleye trip to pool 4.

    congrats to all the other successful hunters. and a lot of great pics, too

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Well it’s been one of those season where I was in the right place at the right time. Was able to harvest another tom this past weekend. I had a friend of mine join me for Thursday evening and Friday morning hunts before he had to head back to town. Unfortunately the birds were not cooperative while he was with me. After he left I went to a farm where we hunted during the second season. Sat on a field edge for about an hour with no sighting of birds so decided to climb a steep ridge and get to the top so I could hear if there was any toms sounding off. Unfortunately it was dead quiet for most of the afternoon. I would set up and call for about a 1/2 hour before changing locations. Did this pretty much all afternoon before I decide to call it quits and head back down the ridge. As I am heading back to the truck, I hear a gobble down the ridge from me about 500 yards or so. It’s about 5:00 and after hearing the gobble I am re-energized. Took out the box call and hit it pretty hard. He sounds off again and I go after him. Went about 400 yards or so and decided to make another call, sure enough he is still there, but I need to go about another 30 yards or so. Make my move and set up. He gobbled a few more times and shut it down. Figured he might be coming in silent I waited. After about a 20 minutes I decide to try and get closer, but no answers. Not sure if I bumped him or not trying to close the last few yards or not, but I decided I think I can get him in the morning and sneak out of there and hope to have better luck in the morning. Next morning I set up on the field edge again and listen for gobbling. Nothing, dead quiet. At about 5:45 decide to climb the ridge as quick and quietly as I can. As soon as I am at the top I am greeted by gobbles down in the valley. Went to where I can hear him gobbling, set up and start my calling. After a few minutes he stopped gobbling and I figured again he might be coming in silent so I stay put. Waited for about a half hour and decide to sneak down the ridge a little when all of a sudden a thunderous gobble sounds off in the direction I was about to go. Sat back down and could hear hens yelping. So I called to the hens and got them fired up. About a minute later here they come just a yelping trying to find the intruder. I shut down my calling as they approached, but ever time they would yelp the strutter would sound off. The hens came within 10 feet from me, but no signs of the tom. I could not move as the hens had me pinned down. As they moved past me I could hear him drumming and spitting but could not see him. Then out of the corner of my eye I see his fan behind a log. I need him to come around the log before I have a shot, but I am not in position to take the shot as he came from a different direction than the hens. So as he gets closer he clears the log and gets behind a big oak, time to make my move and hope the hens don’t bust me. Moved the gun, took aim as he clears the tree and let him have it. He never knew what hit him.

    Has been an unbelievable season for me. Harvested a jake and 2 toms, and was with my daughter when she took her tom and was able to get her boyfriend a bird as well. The Lord has been good to us this season.

    Here are a couple of pictures. When Mike and I were in MN for the archery season last week, I had found where a hen was nesting and took some pictures.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    We are closing this contest at the end of the day on Saturday as I believe all seasons are done around here. If you have not submitted your photo and story, better get it in now or you miss out on some great prizes.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Contest is closed. Voting is transpiring and we will have a winner by the end of the week if not sooner.

    I would like to thank everyone personally that participated and we had at least twice as many entries this year and some great ones at that. The judging will be tough, but also remember everyone that entered will be put in a drawing for a Covert Hunting Blind!

    Can’t wait to do it again next year!

    In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    The votes are tallied and the winners of the 2009 IN-DEPTH OUTDOORS TURKEY CONTEST have been decided. First, however, we’d like to congratulate everyone who submitted a photo/story, and everyone else who was a big part of our turkey forum this season. The turkey season alone was a major success for IDO, with an increase in overall participation and traffic, as well as our first hunting video release. We’re growing by leaps and bounds, and none of it could be possible without all of you. IDO Hunting thanks you!

    Equally as important, are the wonderful sponsors that we have here, making it possible to even conduct such a contest. They’re outdoors companies we’re proud to be associated with, and we’ve been more than happy with their continued support of In-Depth Outdoors. Please support our sponsors!



    The Jakes division was a close race with 4 entries within 4 points of each other. While the panel had a hard time judging all the great entries in the Tom division.


    Best Overall Photo and Story in the Tom (18 years and older) Division

    Shoot ‘N Release

    You’ll be receiving a Gamehide DARK ARCHER SHIRT and DARK ARCHER FACE MASK which are perfect for use either in the blind or in the woods as they are reversible from black to camo. The Dark Archer series by GAMEHIDE is cool enough for those warm days in the field with its moisture wicking capability and versatile enough to layer underneath for those early chilly Spring hunts. Also to complete the outfit, you’ll be receiving a pair of Gamehide CLEVER-LITE PANTS. This feature rich pant offers eight pockets for the serious hunter. Designed by GAMEHIDE to be the ultimate warm weather hunting pant! Features eight separate pockets to keep all your gear handy; Knee-high leg zippers for easy on/off access; built-in quick snap belt for a custom fit. For those Mathews Fans, GAMEHIDE will also have this prize available in their Mathews Collection with “Lost Camo” and reversible to Black.

    Best Overall Photo and Story in the Jakes (Youth) Division

    Danielle Pearson – (DRELAN30’s daughter)

    You’ll be receiving a QUAKER BOY Turkey Call donated by IDO’s Turkey Junkie Joel Nelson.



    You will be receiving a Command Post Hunting Blind ,donated by Covert Hunting Gear. Everyone that submitted a photo and story for the Contest was automatically entered into this drawing.

    Someone from IDO Hunting will be in contact with the Winners shortly. Again, congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone for your participation and support of IDO Hunting! We can’t wait till next years contest!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Congrats to all the winners and to all that enetered the contest! Lots of birds hit the ground this year and hopefully even more will be entered next year! spring of 2010 can not come fast enough for me!

    Posts: 6443

    congrats to the winners

    big thanks to the sponsors who donated prizes

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756

    Wow is all I can say!!!! Thanks guys. It is greatly appreciated.

    Posts: 6443


    Wow is all I can say!!!! Thanks guys. It is greatly appreciated.

    that is a great story

    arcadia wi,
    Posts: 213

    thank you ido,thank you covert,and all the sponsors,i think these girls will get alot of use out of the blind.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Awesome photo Sootie!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 399

    Easter morning this year was a day to remember for myself!!! It was my first year turkey hunting this year and I was hunting with my cousin who is one of the best callers in the nation and works for the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation.) Back to the hunting we hunted saturday morning nothing. Saturday after noon nothing. Saturday night hunt goot into a couple birds but nothing. Easter morning came about and we were set up in a spot that we saw birds struttin in the day before. At about 4:30am we were awake and ready to get out to the spot after setting up with two hens and a jake we were hoping just one would see them. Darron was calling and getting one to call back. After about 20 minutes after 6am i looked out the right side of my blind and there it was a big old struttin tom popped out of the woods into the field. It strutted all the way to 15yrds infront of the blind and that was the end of that. At 6:30am easter morning i harvested my first bird.
    Weight- 24lbs Beard- 11″ Spurs- 1″ 1/4

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Dylan great post, but the contest is over.

    However, great to see you get out and put a bird down. Congrats on a great hunt and thanks for sharing!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Great bird Dylan! Make sure you put in for next years contest!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Sootie it looks like you got your hands full for a few years there!

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