Tiger eye jigs. Sportsmans Whse has them
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Purring with a mouth call….
January 8, 2008 at 6:03 pm #640787
Thanks guys you guys are awesome for all the info, love this site.!!!! From Jeff
January 9, 2008 at 12:50 pm #641145Buy one shine it up and compare it to any other product without batteries. It will be a winner hands down.
They work for me. This is my go to jig on Red Lake. Or any other stained water.
January 9, 2008 at 7:26 pm #641355I agree they glow like no tomorrow out of the box.
As far as Red Lake Glow Red Genz worm…
April 17, 2009 at 5:36 pm #210872I’ve always wanted to but could never do it. Joel mentioned doing that in a post today and it got me thinking about it again! Any tips on how to do that? I can do it on my slate but would be very benificial to do it with a mouth call as well. Joel…you have any pointers?
Anyone else? Bueller….Bueller??
April 17, 2009 at 5:49 pm #50158Use a call with fewer reeds and roll your tongue. It takes lots of practice!
April 17, 2009 at 5:59 pm #50160I’ve seen guys do it with their lips, and I think the soft, contented purrs/whines actually sound better when you vibrate your lips.
However, I can’t seem to master doing it that way, and use the back of my throat/tongue to do it. Practice “gargling” without water in the back of your throat, and roll that northward towards the back of your tongue. Best way I can describe it.
I know it’s in my throat, because after coming down with Strep on Monday, I still can’t purr. Hopefully that comes back before Monday when I hunt!!!
April 17, 2009 at 6:07 pm #50161Thanks guys for the pointers…I can start driving the wife and kids crazy AGAIN with new calls to work on!
April 17, 2009 at 6:12 pm #50163I was also in the same boat. I could never purr with any diaphram call. I finnally found a call that I can purr with this season. It is wrapped in bright yellow tape and called a stagger 3. It worked so good when I was just looking I noticed a stagger 4 and bought it as well.
I can make nice yelps, cutts and even purr (I can call like a champ in the car but with the pressure on I will dry up and choke on that darn call)
The reeds on the call seem to vibrate just enough on the tip of my toung.
I found the calls at a major fleet store in both Oakdale and Blaine.
Now if I can only find the first one I bought. I don’t seem to notice much sound differences between other calls by the same maker.
All the guys out for this first season are making me very envious…. I do what I can waiting for my chance to do the archery hunt in 1 month
I spent $10 on black latex paint for the inside of my Eclipse blind—- so all you guys out there keep giving tips — some of us are taking notes.Good Luck with the purring….
April 17, 2009 at 6:58 pm #50168Quote:
I was also in the same boat. I could never purr with any diaphram call. I finnally found a call that I can purr with this season. It is wrapped in bright yellow tape and called a stagger 3. It worked so good when I was just looking I noticed a stagger 4 and bought it as well.
I can make nice yelps, cutts and even purr (I can call like a champ in the car but with the pressure on I will dry up and choke on that darn call)
The reeds on the call seem to vibrate just enough on the tip of my toung.
I found the calls at a major fleet store in both Oakdale and Blaine.
Now if I can only find the first one I bought. I don’t seem to notice much sound differences between other calls by the same maker.
All the guys out for this first season are making me very envious…. I do what I can waiting for my chance to do the archery hunt in 1 month
I spent $10 on black latex paint for the inside of my Eclipse blind—- so all you guys out there keep giving tips — some of us are taking notes.Good Luck with the purring….
Here’s a link to one on ebay. It’s made by HS Strut. Is this what you’re talking about Steve?
April 17, 2009 at 7:24 pm #50177I just take a cat along with me when I hunt…
oops… wrong kind of purring…
April 17, 2009 at 8:51 pm #50186Yes it is the HS Stagger 3 and 4 both worked. something about the reed purred for me. I cannot get any other call to purr.
Good LuckLike I said I would choke on the thing as the birds were comming in.
April 17, 2009 at 10:02 pm #50197i figured out how to do it last spring WHILE i was in the blind
Its about gargling with your throat and lips like mentioned before. I hope i still can do it this year, i haven’t used a diaphram call since
Posts: 21April 23, 2009 at 6:07 pm #50490I can purr with my promos mouth call no problem. Hunting easterns in south Alabama, it’s a call vital to learn.
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