Turkey Broadheads

  • Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    There are so darned many heads out there, but most if not all of them fall into a certain type of style. I’m curious as to what type you use, and most importantly WHY!!!???


    Southwestern PA USA
    Posts: 33

    I am going to go with the Hammerhead 2″ cut expandable. Ease of tuning is the # 1 reason for using the expandable. It was a very popular head for turkeys before the Rage came out. I am very interested in the Bullhead both the 100 grain and 125 grain head. Sounds very durable but may be slightly difficult to tweak.
    I am still getting used to my new (used) Guardian. So one less variable to mess with.

    p.s. I caught your taped presentation on Mapping G.P.S. units that you put on in February at T.B. Very nicely done


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Excellent question Joel. I voted expandable but there are times when I may end up shooting throud a mesh screen out of my Covert Hunting Blind. I’m not a big fan of the head shot style broadheads simply because I don’t think it makes for a good picture afterwards.

    Would you or anyone else ever consider carrying two different broadheads in your quiver? I’m seriously considering carrying both – an expandable 3-blade Rage for open shooting and perhaps another fixed blade (not sure which one yet) for shooting throught the mesh screen. Anyone ever done this?

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    I voted expandables for one reason, the vitals are so small I shoot expandables for every game that i hunt, mainly because i have confidence in the heads that i use and have had great success w/ them.

    Brad, i carried the Rage 2 blade for deer last year, and Snypers. Last spring for turkey season, i carried the Sidewinders and Snypers but i had a Sidewinder on b/c of the cutting diameter and im able to shoot through the mesh. Bottom line for me was that if i missed a gobbler b/c of flight, i would go to a Snyper for a possible second shot b/c i know how they fly, and im confident in them

    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    Gonna be hitting the birds this year with the rage two blades. I shot a turkey in missouri last fall with it and it did phenomenal. I was slightly supprise that the arrow didn’t go all the way through the bird, but it did penetrate out the far side. I did nick the breast bone so that might have lost a lot of kenetic energy.
    Brad i would most definetly carry both expandables and fixed in my quiver.

    Posts: 41

    I’ve brought the fixed blades along in the past but wasn’t offered a shot. If I do bring the bow in the future I plan on using my rage 2blade.
    I am very interested in the headshot broadheads, but I haven’t tried them yet. I hope to in the future.

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