This is the Year to Give Back

  • Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    As I get more involved with my local NWTF chapter, my opinions and thoughts on the existence of these conservation groups in general has changed dramatically over time. I was the most cynical of sportsman for a time, complaining about my dollars going to “National” and seeing very little return on my investment.

    I was a general member of the NWTF, with staunch concerns of the groups handling of habitat, specifically the releasing of birds into habitat which could not support them. This, to me then, and still now, is more political than biological. However, my involvement has only increased over time. Point being, I think it’s fair to have concerns and even strong disagreements while giving back to the sport you love.

    Our local chapter is one of many that helps the food shelf, runs a conservation-related scholarship program, and gives out corn seed for free or at discount for wildlife plantings. We give away trees in the spring-time to plant, and we typically sponsor a JAKES or youth event yearly as well.

    Tooting our horn? Hardly. Instead, I’m hopefully providing some food for thought, and after digesting, you’ll decide that this is the year to become more involved. I’m not trying to guilt, or even persuade you to join the NWTF or a local chapter. Plant your own trees on your own land, or complete other habitat work on your own. While your local chapter may provide a handy outlet for you to accomplish some of these tasks, by all means, conservation is conservation.

    Lest this message seem insensitive and ridiculous given the financial times we’re experiencing, remember that money isn’t the only way to give something back. Volunteering your time and experience is often far more valuable than any amount of money you could put forth.



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