2008 or Previous Turkey Harvest Pics and Stories

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Why wait another few months for some good turkey pics and stories. How about posting some now.

    So let’s see some pics and or stories of some past hunts. It will be here before we know it.

    As soon as BreTT gets rid of that stupid ice.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    2008 was off with a bang with opening day being spent with a guy I’d never met before! I had a guy bail on me, and was looking for someone to call for and/or hunt with, and Steve was kind enough to let me tag along.

    Steve did some scouting, and previous knowledge of the property suggested several roosting locations. We slipped in very early, not having put one to bed, in the hopes of getting the best possible jump on any gobbling birds. We didn’t have to go too far, as 4 gobblers lit up the woods 80 yards from our first setup.

    A downed tree prevented them from strutting right in, and they put on a show just outside of shotgun range for the better part of 90 minutes. 45 minutes of quiet time, with some louder yelps/cutts “pushed” in the opposite direction eventually made a few of them break ranks. From there, the death march began, and Steve toppled the first (and baddest) gobbler of the group.

    While a young bird, it sported double beards, Steve’s first double bearded bird. A great start to 2008 with a bird in the bag opening day!


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Nice looking double bearded tom!

    1st picture is a 2008 WI spring tom that I harvested with my bow during the last season.

    2nd picture is from another 2008 WI spring tom I called in for my buddy Dan. This was his first tom and he’s pictured with his dad who was with.

    3rd picture is another 2008 WI spring tom that I called in for my future Father-in-law – DeWayne.

    You can read about the hunts HERE

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    A bird with a bow is a challenge of challenges. Beating their eyes, along with getting tight enough for a shot is a real feat! Nice birds!


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    First picture is another 2008 WI spring tom that I called in for my fiance’ – Tina. She’s 2 for 2 now!

    Second picture is another 2008 WI spring tom that I harvested during the 5th season with a shotgun.

    You can read about these two hunts HERE

    The last picture is a 2008 MN spring tom that I shot during the second season with a shotgun.

    You can read about this hunt Here

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Great pics and stories Joel and Brad. Keep ’em coming guys!

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Great pics guys..Here are a few of my wife Stacey and I with some birds…also I have a pic of a hen strutting to a hen decoy and she ends up tearin it up..Jay

    Posts: 28

    You say your looking for turkey pics and stories and found some of this 5 bearder i shot in 2003 in pierce county. We were hunting on some land that joins ours opening morning and the birds were going crazy. Had 1 hot tom out in the field with a hen but he would not come in. Then all of a sudden this guy came in silent as could be from behind us and gave me a 6 yard shot when he walked buy. He weighed 27 1/2 pounds and had 46 inches of beard. Not the best pics I have but I could not find the better ones

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 87


    A bird with a bow is a challenge of challenges. Beating their eyes, along with getting tight enough for a shot is a real feat!

    Not when your shooting out of a blind.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137



    A bird with a bow is a challenge of challenges. Beating their eyes, along with getting tight enough for a shot is a real feat!

    Not when your shooting out of a blind.

    Oh I’ve screwed up my share of birds from the double bull as well. Killed a few also, but by no means easy! This stat is from two years ago, but only 4% of bow tags in MN are filled each year. 96 of 100 walk out of the woods with their bow, not a turkeys spurs, digging into their shoulders!


    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Here are some pictures of my niece (Danielle) and her first ever Tom this past year and my brother (Dan) and his “Thunderstorm” bird.

    Here is the Video of the Thunderstorm bird! Enjoy!



    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Truly awesome pics and vids Dartkoski!

    Some great Father/Son/Uncle/Father/Brother/Daughter time. Way to get the yungin’s interested in the sport!

    I can not wait to dump a bird out of my Covert Blind!

    Linwood, MN
    Posts: 120

    Went with the bow for the last two weeks and man was it a fun time. Saw multiple birds every time i went out and started to hunt one particular bird. Well after countless encounters almost every day It came to the second to last night. Was sitting there watchin the bird I wanted breed a hen when out of no where this guys pops up at 45 yards. I wasted no time decidng it was time and watched my tracer fly true. Ended up being my biggest bird yet with a 11.5 inch bird and 1.25 inch spurs.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    What a monster! What’d it weigh?


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Nice bird!

    Welcome to IN-DEPTH OUTDOORS Hunter Dan.

    Linwood, MN
    Posts: 120

    Unfortunately I didn’t weigh it….. Don’t ask me why not. I won’t make that mistake again this spring

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    Unfortunately I didn’t weigh it….. Don’t ask me why not. I won’t make that mistake again this spring

    Depending on the weight, that bird might’ve been one of the bigger birds taken that year in MN! Nice to calculate the score on a bird too, similar to P/Y and B/C for deer.

    Either way, great bird. Any bird with a bow is an achievement in my book!


    Posts: 56

    Here’s one I took a couple years ago. Couldn’t seem to get a longbeard to cooperate so I took this Jake on the last day.(I know it should have been a piece of cake out of a blind, but I guess I’m not very good ) He flipped & flopped to the bottom of the hill & lost half of his feathers before I could catch up to him so the picture kinda sucks.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    Here’s one I took a couple years ago. Couldn’t seem to get a longbeard to cooperate so I took this Jake on the last day.(I know it should have been a piece of cake out of a blind, but I guess I’m not very good ) He flipped & flopped to the bottom of the hill & lost half of his feathers before I could catch up to him so the picture kinda sucks.

    Don’t be fooled man. The “piece of cake out of a blind” routine was made up by a bunch of deer hunters. Anyone who hunts turkeys enough knows that nothing is ever a slam dunk with those birds.

    Beautiful bird, with traditional equipment no less!


    Posts: 56

    Yes, I know that all too well. That’s why I included the” “. Here’s another one from afew years ago. Better Bird, Better Pic.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    Do you use a custom blind to draw your long-bow? Most aren’t tall enough correct? Maybe yours is a little shorter axle to axle…..er….tip to tip?


    Posts: 56

    I just have the “recurve model” Double Bull is what they used to call it. I think it’s a little taller than the standard model. My Longbow is “62 which is fairly short as far as Longbows are concerned. I still have to cant my bow slightly & try not to lean too far forward when shooting to avoid hitting the roof with my limb tip. There’s more than one Lucky longbeard out there that benifitted from that little mistake.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Great pics and birds Bettle!

    Posts: 6443

    21 lb montana merriam got last april should be done at taxidrmist anytime now gonna look great in the basement in full strut will post pics when i get him back
    him and a buddy came about 400 yards in 10 minutes gobbling there heads off the whole way saw the top of the fan crest the rise at 40 yards watched him for a about a minute and lost it and tipped him over

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Nice to see you on the board again Beetle!

    Nice pics guys!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    21 lb montana merriam got last april should be done at taxidrmist anytime now gonna look great in the basement in full strut will post pics when i get him back
    him and a buddy came about 400 yards in 10 minutes gobbling there heads off the whole way saw the top of the fan crest the rise at 40 yards watched him for a about a minute and lost it and tipped him over

    Looking forward to the taxadermist pics. Nothings prettier than a Merriams IMO!


    Posts: 20

    I shot this Merriam last spring in Nebraska. Too bad the landowner doesn’t know how to take a damn picture

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    nice pix and stories. lol, bustumup, you need a photoshop to combine the pix.

    my 2 ’08 spring toms both came mid to late morning.

    first one i was supposed to be hunting but had to work. snuck out when nobody was looking and made it to my spot with 2 hours to hunt. walked into the woods, hit a cutt on a mouth call and three toms cut loose.

    moved closer to one that was about 150 yards away, set up, called a couple more times and here came two longbeards. they hung up on the other side of a small creek, but a couple of soft yelps and purrs and one went down the steep bank, up the other side and stepped out 20 yards away at 11:30 am.

    weighed 24 pounds with a 10-inch beard and 1-inch sharp spurs.

    about a week later, struck out on an early hunt so moved to another farm a few miles away. pretty much the same MO as the first. cuttin and runnin, sparked a gobble with cutts on a high ball diaphragm and about 15 minutes later put the hammer on this 22-pounder that had 9 1/2 and 6 1/2 beards and 1 1/8 razor hook spurs.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Nice birds guys!

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