The votes have been tallied

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    The votes have been tallied and the winners have FINALLY been chosen for IN-DEPTH OUTDOORS 2008’s Turkey Photo Contest………….

    The 1st and 2nd Place Winners will receive a CLEVER LITE SHIRT and a CLEVER LITE PANT from our friends and site sponsors @ GAMEHIDE .

    Click on the CLEVER LITE PANT & SHIRT words above to view the clothes on Gamehide’s website. I own a set of these and they are perfect for those March and April days chasing gobblers or those September early season sits for deer.

    The winners may contact me via email or PM here, so I can get you in contact with Gamehide and you can claim your prize.

    So the winners are (insert drum roll here)…………

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    1st Place goes to Beetle for this awesome pic.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    and 2nd Place goes to RVRAT for his wife Stacey’s pic of this nice Gobbler.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Congrats to both you guys.

    This wouldn’t have taken so long if Brad hadn’t posted so many pics.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I would first like to give thanks to the folks @ GAMEHIDE for their continued support and involvement with this site. They continue to go above and beyond for us with these giveaways and contests here @ IDO. You can check the full line up of GAMEHIDE’s Turkey Hunting clothes by CLICKING HERE

    Secondly, I would like to thank everyone that participated in this contest and submitted some awesome pics of your trophies from this past Spring. There was a real tight finish for 2nd-4th places. We look forward to doing it again next year and I hope you are too.

    Lastly, I would like to congratulate the winners on a job well done.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I’m not bragging here but those are the ones that I picked as well! How do I become a judge? Beautiful pictures and congrats to the winners! Looking forward to doing it again next year?

    Hey Lip, where is the prize for the funniest turkey video?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Hey Lip, where is the prize for the funniest turkey video

    That was a NO CONTEST.

    You definitley won that Dartkoski!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100


    Congrats to both you guys.

    This wouldn’t have taken so long if Brad hadn’t posted so many pics.

    Your just jealous Blue cause you didn’t get one…

    Congratulations to Beetle and to Rvrat/wife!

    My two favorite photos as well!

    And thank you Gamehide for your continued support here at IDO!

    Posts: 6441

    congrats on 2 great pictures but no stories thought that was part of the judging they got my vote for best pics but not for contest winners jmho

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22885

    You and me Dartman. I picked Beetles and then to be discreet, I said I liked the one’s on the boulders….. this is too easy !!! All the pic’s were awesome and thanks IDO & GAMEHIDE for putting the contest on, so we could all enjoy the hunts

    big G

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Thanks for everyone involved in this website, the contest and gamehide…Like I’ve said before there is nothing better then your wife kickin your but in the field or on the water….she toughed it out this year passin up jakes for the big boy and it payed off the last day of our season…and congrats to Beetle,great pic,and all the other awasome entries. hopefully Ill be able to get her to model the Gamehide for me ….Jay

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    congrats on 2 great pictures but no stories thought that was part of the judging they got my vote for best pics but not for contest winners jmho

    The contest asked for a short story, They both did have blurbs on the original posting of the picture that were not posted above. Beetles told who, what, where, and when. Rvrats was a liitle short but told enough and the pic was to the liking to sway the panel.

    Posts: 56

    Wow, Thanks to all involved, especially the judges & the folks at GAMEHIDE for sponsoring. It looks like they have some great looking, quality clothing. Thanks also for all the nice comments from everyone. There were lots of great pic’s & I know it’s not easy to just pick one or two. I can add afew tips I’ve learned over the years to improve your Turkey Pic’s. First you have to get yourself a nice big longbeard. (That’s the hardest part) Try to take your pic’s as soon as you can after the kill. They lose all the color in there head shortly after death. Take the time to set up your photo. Move/cut any twigs or grass that is in front of your subject, look for a good background, & try to take it in a sunny spot with the sun at your back not shaded. The sun really brings out the color in the feathers, shaded birds look black. Prop your bird up with your pack or a small log. A dead Turkey lays very flat on the ground so if you set him up on something, it makes the feathers puff out which makes the bird look very full. I like to have the hunter off to the side of the bird. The fan can be easily spread with one hand, leaving the other hand to hold the gun/bow. You see alot of Turkey pic’s with the hunter directly behind the bird, you kinda wonder what’s going on back there ? Above all take lot’s of pic’s. For every really good pic I get, I get ten that I throw away. Take these tips for what there worth. I have a couple years preference so I should get drawn next year, so with any luck I’ll be in next years pic with my new GAMEHIDE camo. Thanks again to everyone involved.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I would also like to comment on the pictures vs story…like RVRAT, I placed a full story of the hunt in the turkey forum with pics and then just placed the pictures in the contest forum with the basic info. Wanted to keep the picture part short and sweet.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Yup Dart…that is what I did as well so the entry page would not get all messed up with comments and stories…My story was posted on the “Turkey Forum” in its own post and I put the facts with the photo…Jay

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Great work on the photos, maybe next year I will be in the running.

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