Wow, Thanks to all involved, especially the judges & the folks at GAMEHIDE for sponsoring. It looks like they have some great looking, quality clothing. Thanks also for all the nice comments from everyone. There were lots of great pic’s & I know it’s not easy to just pick one or two. I can add afew tips I’ve learned over the years to improve your Turkey Pic’s. First you have to get yourself a nice big longbeard. (That’s the hardest part) Try to take your pic’s as soon as you can after the kill. They lose all the color in there head shortly after death. Take the time to set up your photo. Move/cut any twigs or grass that is in front of your subject, look for a good background, & try to take it in a sunny spot with the sun at your back not shaded. The sun really brings out the color in the feathers, shaded birds look black. Prop your bird up with your pack or a small log. A dead Turkey lays very flat on the ground so if you set him up on something, it makes the feathers puff out which makes the bird look very full. I like to have the hunter off to the side of the bird. The fan can be easily spread with one hand, leaving the other hand to hold the gun/bow. You see alot of Turkey pic’s with the hunter directly behind the bird, you kinda wonder what’s going on back there ?
Above all take lot’s of pic’s. For every really good pic I get, I get ten that I throw away. Take these tips for what there worth. I have a couple years preference so I should get drawn next year, so with any luck I’ll be in next years pic with my new GAMEHIDE camo. Thanks again to everyone involved.